Friday, January 19, 2007


For those wishing to adopt a natural lifestyle in particular, herbs are nature’s own remedy. They are not merely used for improving the favour of food, even though this is one of their most popular uses. Such herbs as marjoram, mint, rosemary and thyme stimulate the appetite, add zest to food, enhance its taste and are extolled by top chefs, the world over. However, they are, in reality, medicines and, as such, are one of the finest natural cures. However, as natural medicines, they can be very powerful, so use them sparingly and do research or seek advice regarding their use.

Herbs have traditionally been recognized as being among the most powerful medicines known. They have been extensively used by shamans, natural healers and wise-women from all cultures, since the dawn of time. They were also used in the classical cultures of antiquity including China, Sumer, Assyria, Egypt, Greece and Rome. Pliny the Elder, in the 1st century AD, wrote extensively on the efficacy and healing powers of herbs in the treatment of virtually every known illness. Herbs were frequently employed in the preparation of sacred oils and unguents and also as aphrodisiacs. They were also used in religious rituals, in worship, incantations and magical rites.

The medieval era saw an increased culinary use of herbs, but with the growth of Western medicine their medical use gradually declined. Even more so as the pharmacological monopolies became prominent and sought to discourage their use in favour of their own, often inferior products.

Herbs’ efficacy has not waned over the ages, however and we can still benefit considerably from their use. This is especially so as the majority wake up to the often detrimental effects of intrusive surgery and the pill-pushing mania of Western medical practitioners. Innovative individuals are increasingly prepared to take responsibility for their own welfare and seek to resurrect the ancient tried and tested natural alternative remedies. They are becoming aware that herbs will allow the maintenance and restoration of health, even faced with serious or long-term illness.

Herbs are the dried parts of various plants including shrubs, trees, flowers and ferns. They invariably contain many powerful ingredients that can actually promote the body’s self-healing mechanisms. They all contain one or more active ingredient like vitamins, minerals, enzymes and essential oils. Naturally non-toxic, herbs can be taken singly, or in combination with other herbs. It is precisely this non-toxicity which makes them safe and effective to use as antidotes for a multitude of conditions and ailments.

Herbs have a mild, but profound affect on the body. Rather than suppressing symptoms, as Western medicines do, herbs restore the body’s natural balance. They tone the body's organs and glands, to supply the body with vitamins and nutrients, thus aiding the body to eliminate harmful toxins, which have accumulated through a lifetime of eating the wrong food. Once free of impurities, the body begins to regain its natural strength and allows our natural internal healing processes to begin to restore homeostasis or natural equilibrium. Herbs are indeed nature’s gift.

About the Author: Independent Author in Thailand