Monday, October 09, 2006

Grape Seed Extract: The Most Powerful Antioxidant - Jane Wyvern

The benefits of antioxidants are well known and many people work hard to consume a healthy portion of antioxidants every day, either in the natural form as found in foods, or as supplements. Studies have shown that antioxidants may help to prevent and combat cancer as well as reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. Antioxidants may also increase fat metabolism and play a role in weight loss.

Considering the beneficial properties of antioxidants then, it is natural to wonder what the most powerful antioxidant could be. After all, if you are going to take antioxidant supplements or include foods high in antioxidants in your diet, then you will want to know which the best choice is.

Actually, the most powerful antioxidant is thought to originate from a small source; the grape. Research indicates that the antioxidant in grape seed extract is 50 times as powerful as Vitamin E and 20 times more powerful than the popular antioxidant, Vitamin C. Vitamin E has proven itself as an extremely beneficial antioxidant.

In fact, a recent study concluded that 400 IU of vitamin E per day could reduce heart attacks by as much as 77%. It makes one wonder what the study would fine if the antioxidant being investigated was grape seed extract which is thought to be so much more powerful. In the fight against heart disease, antioxidants platy an important role in strengthening weakened blood vessels thereby preventing and correcting circulatory problems.

Grape seed extract may prove to be very beneficial in the fight against heart disease given these findings. The antioxidant found in grape seed extract assists the body in neutralizing free radicals. This helps to prevent cell damage and supports the body in repairing any damage already inflicted.

The most active and powerful antioxidant found in grape seed extract is oligomeric procyanidins (OPC). This has been identified as the agent which helps to strengthen the blood vessels. OPC was first isolated from the skin of a red peanut in the year 1947 by a chemist in France, Dr. Jack Masquelier who was associated with the school of medicine at the University of Bordeaux.

Later, it was discovered that this powerful substance was also found in red wine and grapes. Eventually, OPC became available as a supplement in grape seed extract form. One can obtain the health benefits from eating grapes, drinking wine, or taking the supplements which are available in tablets or tinctures.

Side effects from grape seed extract are rare and usually a result of reaction to the combining agents or fillers in the product. Therefore it is extremely important to buy standardized herbs at all times. Grape seed extract can be purchased from your health food store or from one of many online stores. Grape seed extract has enjoyed great popularity over the last two decades due to its well deserved reputation as the most powerful antioxidant, so it is produced by several companies and is readily available and affordable.

Jane Wyvern is an established freelance writer. You can find more of her writing at and

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