Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Role of Brown Seaweed in the Treatment of Alzheimer's - Maurice Petersen

Millions of aging Americans worry about Alzheimer’s. If you
forget a name or misplace
you car keys, is it just a momentary lapse, or the beginning
of a slow slide into dementia?
And the older you get, the more likely it is that you will
suffer from Alzheimer’s. But you
don’t have to lay back and wait for the disease to take over
your mind. This article will
discuss some of the tools researchers have come up with to
fight the debilitating affects
of Alzheimer’s.

A Mysterious Killer

Let’s be up front with this. No one knows exactly why people
develop Alzheimer’s.
There has been some research that points to three possible
causes for the disease: Genetic
factors, injury, or lifestyle choices. Researchers
hypothesize that it is a combination of all
Until researchers can pinpoint the cause, finding the cure
is an uphill battle. But there are
things you can do to increase your chances of remaining free
of this debilitating disease.
If you have it already, these same techniques help you treat
the illness.

The Power of Antioxidants

Recent research has turned up evidence that antioxidants may
hold the key to slowing
down the progression of Alzheimer’s in individual patients.
In the study Reduced Risk of
Alzheimer Disease in Users of Antioxidant Vitamin
Supplements (Arch Neurol 2004;
61:82-88), authors Peter P. Zandi, PhD, et. al., analyzed
data from 4740 elderly Utah
residents. They looked for any relationships between
supplement use and the incidence of
Alzheimer's disease.
And though they found "no notable reduction in risk of
incident AD with vitamin E orvitamin C alone or with
multivitamins," taking E and C together was another matter.
fact, the higher the doses of E and C (taken in
combination), the lower the incidence of
Alzheimer’s. The authors suggest this is because vitamin C
might help to break down
vitamin E, making it more easily used by the body.
According to Dr. Kerwin, "Both vitamin C and E are
antioxidants which likely reduce
oxidative stress and injury in the central nervous system,
[which] may reduce the amyloid
plaque deposition in the neuronal cells." The authors
further suggest that taking
supplements is especially helpful because of the ability to
take high concentrations of
these vitamins.
In any case, the results from such findings are impossible
to ignore. Antioxidants are
good for you for a variety of reasons. Preventing
Alzheimer’s is just one of the more
important reasons to do so.

A 3,000 Year Old Super Food

You could take synthetic supplements to get your daily dose
of vitamins C and E. But
your body is designed to absorb its vitamins and minerals
from food. So it stands to
reason that a whole food supplement would be the easiest,
safest way for you to get the
antioxidants you need to fight off Alzheimer’s. You may be
able to get higher doses from
synthetic supplements, but one also has to worry about
possible side effects. When you
use a synthetic product you often won’t know how much is too
much until it is too late.

Many researchers have been impressed with the powerful
antioxidant affects of the
brown seaweed called Limu Moui by the Tongans. Many seaweeds have more
vitamin C than an
orange. It is also rich in B1, B2, B12, and vitamin E. When
Original Limu Moui is
concentrated in extract form, you get all of the benefits of
a high dose of these vital
nutrients—but in the correct proportion for maximal health
and wellness.

There isn’t (yet) a cure for Alzheimer’s. But a genetic
predisposition for the disease
doesn’t mean that you will automatically get it. You can
stack the odds in your favor with
healthy lifestyle choices. Exercise. Eat a diet rich in
antioxidants, using concentrated yet
safe sources like Limu Moui extract. As the years
go by you will have peace of
mind, confident in the knowledge that you are doing all you
can to keep that mysterious
killer at bay.

Limu Moui is not a medicine of a drug. While it can
promote wellness, it is not a cure. Do not use
this or any article as a substitute for medical advice.
Consult your doctor.

Copyright © Maurice Petersen 2006. All rights reserved.

To learn more about what Original Limu Moui can do for you, visit
http://www.hellolimu.limupro.com or email Maurice at hellolimu@limupro.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Maurice_Petersen

Friday, January 19, 2007


For those wishing to adopt a natural lifestyle in particular, herbs are nature’s own remedy. They are not merely used for improving the favour of food, even though this is one of their most popular uses. Such herbs as marjoram, mint, rosemary and thyme stimulate the appetite, add zest to food, enhance its taste and are extolled by top chefs, the world over. However, they are, in reality, medicines and, as such, are one of the finest natural cures. However, as natural medicines, they can be very powerful, so use them sparingly and do research or seek advice regarding their use.

Herbs have traditionally been recognized as being among the most powerful medicines known. They have been extensively used by shamans, natural healers and wise-women from all cultures, since the dawn of time. They were also used in the classical cultures of antiquity including China, Sumer, Assyria, Egypt, Greece and Rome. Pliny the Elder, in the 1st century AD, wrote extensively on the efficacy and healing powers of herbs in the treatment of virtually every known illness. Herbs were frequently employed in the preparation of sacred oils and unguents and also as aphrodisiacs. They were also used in religious rituals, in worship, incantations and magical rites.

The medieval era saw an increased culinary use of herbs, but with the growth of Western medicine their medical use gradually declined. Even more so as the pharmacological monopolies became prominent and sought to discourage their use in favour of their own, often inferior products.

Herbs’ efficacy has not waned over the ages, however and we can still benefit considerably from their use. This is especially so as the majority wake up to the often detrimental effects of intrusive surgery and the pill-pushing mania of Western medical practitioners. Innovative individuals are increasingly prepared to take responsibility for their own welfare and seek to resurrect the ancient tried and tested natural alternative remedies. They are becoming aware that herbs will allow the maintenance and restoration of health, even faced with serious or long-term illness.

Herbs are the dried parts of various plants including shrubs, trees, flowers and ferns. They invariably contain many powerful ingredients that can actually promote the body’s self-healing mechanisms. They all contain one or more active ingredient like vitamins, minerals, enzymes and essential oils. Naturally non-toxic, herbs can be taken singly, or in combination with other herbs. It is precisely this non-toxicity which makes them safe and effective to use as antidotes for a multitude of conditions and ailments.

Herbs have a mild, but profound affect on the body. Rather than suppressing symptoms, as Western medicines do, herbs restore the body’s natural balance. They tone the body's organs and glands, to supply the body with vitamins and nutrients, thus aiding the body to eliminate harmful toxins, which have accumulated through a lifetime of eating the wrong food. Once free of impurities, the body begins to regain its natural strength and allows our natural internal healing processes to begin to restore homeostasis or natural equilibrium. Herbs are indeed nature’s gift.

About the Author: Independent Author in Thailand

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Immediate Pain Relief For Gout - Kathy Love

Gout is a very painful health problem that usually effects the big toe. It can, however, effect other joints such as the fingers, knees, etc. It is caused by the build up of crystals of uric acid depositing in the tissues of the body. When the body is unable to break down uric acid it accumulates causing inflammation of the joint(s). Uric acid is also known for causing kidney stones.

Normally, uric acid dissolves in your blood and then passes through your kidneys into your urine. Sometimes your body either produces too much or excretes too little of this acid. When that happens uric acid can build up forming sharp, needle-like crystals (urate) in a joint or surrounding tissue that causes pain, inflammation and swelling. The cause of intense pain is when inflammation occurs in the joint as white blood cells surround the uric acid crystals. This causes intense pain, heat and redness

Gout occurs more often in men than it does in women, but women are more susceptible after menopause.

Here are some things you can do for immediate pain relief:

You can make a charcoal/flaxseed poultice. You mix 1/2 cup activated powdered charcoal and 3 tablespoons finely ground flaxseed. Add warm water until you create a paste. Put the paste directly on the affected area and cover with a cloth or some plastic. Change the dressing every four hours or leave on over night. Be sure to cover the poultice carefully as charcoal can stain your bedding or clothing. You can also take activated charcoal orally to lower uric acid levels. Take 1/2 teaspoon when you first wake up, at mid-morning, at mid-afternoon and again at bedtime.

You can use a Castor oil pack. Soak a piece of white flannel in warm Castor oil, wring out excess and place over the affected area. You then cover it with plastic wrap and apply heat using a heating pad or hot water bottle. Do this twice daily for about one hour.

Reduce pain by alternating hot and cold applications. Soak the joint in hot water for three minutes and then in cold water for a half minute. Do this about three times,

Use an Epsom salt foot bath. Put 2 to 3 tablespoons of Epsom salts in a pan or basin of hot water big enough to put your foot in. Soak your foot for about a 1/2 hour. You can also take a whole body bath in Epsom salts. This is especially helpful if the gout pain is in another part of the body. There are usually instructions on the Epsom salts package but you should use about one or two cups.

Any one of these remedies should work to give you some immediate relief, but in order to eliminate gout for good you will need to do some research on how to lower uric acid levels in your body. You should also support your kidneys using supplements, herbs and foods that improve kidney function.

Kathy Love is the creator and webmaster for http://www.natural-cure-remedy.com where she has compiled information about natural cures and remedies for various health problems and ailments. For more information about gout, go to my web page at http://www.natural-cure-remedy.com/gout.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathy_Love

Monday, January 08, 2007

The Natural Way To Cure A Headache - Steve Hill

Are you the type of person who suffers with a lot of headaches? Are you looking for a solution to your headache problems? Would you like to hear about how other people go about curing their headaches? A couple of years ago I would have answered yes to all of these questions, however I have now found a way to beat my own headaches. In this article I will describe how I go about doing this.

Ever since I have been a child I have always suffered with at least three headaches per week. I have never really known as to why this should be and because the headaches were never really that severe I did not ever seek any form of help via a doctor.

In my early twenties the headaches did start to become a lot worse and this is when they really became a problem for me as they were now affecting my work and social life.

It was now time to book an appointment with my local doctor. My doctors name is Ian and I have to say he is very good at what he does, however on this occasion for whatever reason he was unable to help me in any medical way and said that he thought it may of been because of stress.

Ian may well have been right as I am the type of person who stresses quite a lot. I do however find it hard to reduce the amount I stress and therefore still needed to find a way to stop those annoying headaches.

I then, just by chance, stumbled across what was to become the solution to my headache pains. I was talking to a good friend of mine who decided to give me some headache advice. He stated that I should drink coffee with a little bit of whiskey in and also to take a steaming hot bath!

This advice seemed a bit crazy to me. I did however give it a go and am happy to report that it works for me.

Stephen Hill helps to promote a number of websites including:


headache cure

herbal health therapy

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Hill

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Flax - A Role In The Treatment Of Cancer - Lac Tran

p>Lignan, a fiber found in flax, is the latest hope in the treatment of cancer Flax - the plant that gave grateful world the classic look of linen - hot research property nowadays. Prized for millennia as a source of seeds and cooking oil as well as cloth, the flax plant has also been long celebrated for its medicinal properties, especially in easing coughs. But the therapeutic potential of flax really took off in the late 20th century, when scientists found that flax seed is rich in alpha linolenic acid, an inflammation-alleviating omega-3 fatty acid.

The latest substance in the scientific spotlight: flax lignans. While many plant foods supply this unique type of fiber, flax seed is the richest possible source. Question is, what makes lignans so special?

Hormonal Shifts

Sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone affect a lot more than just libido and reproduction; if these powerful substances go out of balance, they can actually stimulate the overgrowth of breast or prostate tissue (which may lead to breast or prostate cancer). Lignans act as phytoestrogens. When they are ingested, the body transforms them into a form that keeps hormones from over-stimulating cells, a process that helps support healthy cell growth. Lignans also interfere with enzymes that can promote cancer development and therefore may be helpful in the treatment of cancer.

Populations that eat lignan-rich diets have lower breast cancer rates, and early research suggests that increased lignan intake may help protect breast tissue through cancer prevention. In one study, women newly diagnosed with breast cancer who ate muffins made with 2 1/2 tablespoons of flaxseed every day experienced reduced tumor growth (Breast Cancer Research & Treatment 11/00) suggesting a role for flax in the treatment of cancer. This may explain why some women find relief from mild menopausal miseries after taking flax lignans.

Lignans are antioxidants, substances that can keep harmful free radicals from ping-ponging through tissues; scientists think that’s why flax lignans have shown an ability to lower cholesterol and act in cancer prevention. Flax also appears to have an ability to reduce stress; among post-menopausal women who ate three different flax diets, the ones who consumed more lignans experienced the biggest drop in both stress hormone levels and blood pressure (Journal of the American College of Nutrition 12/03).


What is it?: A plant, I.inum usitatissimum, used for food, clothing and remedies What it does: Flax seeds are high in an anti-inflammatory omega-3 fat called alpha linolenic acid; recent research has focused on flax lignan, a fiber that shows promise in the both the prevention and strong treatment of cancer, keep arteries clear and reduce prostate enlargement

Keeping Men Comfortable

While women certainly benefit from lignans, flax can be beneficial for men too. Prostate cells, like breast cells, can be kicked into overdrive by hormones which may result in prostate cancer. A pilot study at Duke University suggested that flax lignans, combined with a low-fat diet, may reduce cancer risk - yet another indication that flax may be useful in the treatment of cancer. The researchers gave finely ground flaxseed to 25 men with prostate cancer who were awaiting surgery; after a month, all had reduced hormone levels and their cholesterol levels were lowered as well. Tumor growth also slowed (L/ro/ogy7/01)

What’s more, flax’s testosterone-moderating effects appear to help reduce benign prostate hyperplasia an uncomfortable predicament that vexes many men as they age. Rats fed a lignan supplement had comfortably smaller prostates then other rodents, and men scheduled for repeat prostate biopsy who took supplemental flax experienced reduced rates of benign prostatic growth (Urology 05/04). Flax may even help reduce hairloss in men. DHT, the form of testosterone that can harm the prostate, attacks hair follicles and spurs excess oil production in the skin, increasing the chances of pimple formation. Flax lignans interfere with DHT production.

From the tiny flax seed mighty health benefits grow. Some forms of fiber really are special!

Author Bio:

Mitamins Team


Mitamins' aim is to custom-made the best natural remedies to complement the treatment of your concerns. Our unique process allows you to combine multiple formulas into a single formula, in a single bottle, and avoid overdose and interactions.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lac_Tran

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Fight Fibromyalgia And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome With Natural Supplements - By Darrell Miller

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which is also called chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS), and myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), is known for its symptoms associated with extreme fatigue that cause a substantial reduction in activity level. Triggered by viral illnesses or stressful events, CFS has symptoms including general pain, mental fogginess, flu-like symptoms, gastrointestinal problems, headache, muscle and joint aches, allergies to food and medications, anxiety and depression, and a decreased sex drive. CFS patients also are victim to frequent infections, which suppress the hypothalamus and lead to a decrease in the functioning of all glands and their hormones, triggering sleep dysfunction because the body confuses day and night cycles. Therefore, people with CFS have trouble staying in a deep, restorative sleep. 800,000 people nationwide of all ages, racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups have CFS at any given time. Although the severity of these symptoms may differ among people, they will hang on or reoccur frequently for more than six months and most commonly continue for three to five years.

Another cause to chronic fatigue symptom is fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). FMS, which is found in about 80% of CFS patients, is a painful shortening of muscles throughout the body, causing many tender knots in the muscles, and leading to a sleep disorder. The tender knots, which are also called trigger points, are the source of the aches and pains that people with fibromyalgia and CFS feel.

Although treating chronic fatigue syndrome is a significant challenge, an integrated treatment approached, individualized to each patient, can improve patients dramatically. The first line of treatment is medications that provide symptom relief, including medications for pain, sleep disturbances, digestive problems, depression and anxiety and flu-like symptoms. However, these medications only put a bandage on symptoms instead of addressing the root problems. As a result, medications need to be supplemented by other supportive treatments such as counseling for emotional and mental health, cognitive behavioral therapy, sleep management therapy, and massage.

There are also several vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that can have powerful positive effects on a person with CFS. Each of these minerals in a chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia formula should work together to improve energy levels and overall health. Some key nutrients to look for in an energy formula include: Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Inositol, Malic Acid, Betaine, Amino Acids, Zinc, Selenium, and Fructooligosaccharides. Each of these is important to ensure recovery from chronic fatigue syndrome and can be found in a powdered drink mix. In addition to the powdered energy drink mix, it is important to also take a vitamin B-complex supplement that is specifically formulated for people with CFS/FMS, which should include niacinamide, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, and choline. This B-complex supplement can help fight against the symptoms of fatigue and mental “fogginess.” Along with a B-complex supplement, people with CFS/FMS should also take an adrenal extract. Because many CFS/FMS patients are suffering from adrenal burnout, which occurs when adrenal glands constantly produce cortisol in response to chronic stress resulting in an exhausted adrenal reserve, it is important to use a glandular therapy regimen to ensure healthy cortisol levels and adrenal function. Be sure to buy an adrenal extract supplement that contains both whole adrenal and adrenal cortex extracts as well as vitamin C, vitamin B6, L-tyrosine, betaine, pantothenic acid and licorice.

Because of continued sleep interruption is the main cause of the symptoms of CFS/FMS, the most effective way to eliminate pain is to get seven to nine hours of sleep each night. However, this can be very difficult; the muscle knots of FMS make it uncomfortable to lie in one position for an extended time, which keeps the patient from getting the adequate amount of deep sleep needed to recharge their “batteries.” Herbal products can be used to help promote good quality sleep. A combination of wild lettuce, hops, Jamaica dogwood, L-Theanine, valerian, and passionflower is specially formulated for those people with CFS/FMS because each herb addresses a different aspect of sleeplessness and muscle tension. Together, these four interventions against CFS/FMS: sleep formula, morning energy drink, energy B-complex, and an adrenal complex can make a noticeable difference in CFS/FMS patients.

Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue can affect ones life for a long time, stop into your local health food store or visit one online for all the above mentioned items to help ease your pain and suffering.

About the Author: Visit VitaNet Health Foods at http://vitanetonline.com/ VitaNet sells high quality supplements like Fibro Response for a healthy body. Please link to this site when using this article.

Source: www.isnare.com

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Self Hypnosis - Quit Smoking - Develop Self Confidence And Lose Weight Fast - Neil Mighalls

Habits, bad habits in particular can be at the very least be a nuisance and in extreme cases life threatening. Smoking, Excessive eating, Nail biting, these are just a few of the bad habits that a lot of us find hard to overcome. Many people have reluctantly accepted one or more of these as a part of their life and go from day to day wishing that they had the will power or courage to change them.

There are many quick fixes offered from pills and potions to things you stick on yourself, in yourself or even inhale into your lungs. While these work to a degree for some people the underlying problem remains and it is often a constant battle to break free of these habits.

Many of us have tried to either break a habit or change some part of ourselves for the better. We start off full of good intentions and brimming with enthusiasm only to go back to our old ways a short time later. It often seems a never-ending battle that we fight over and over again with little chance of success.

You know there is a way to permanently change these habits without the constant battle of will power and the almost inevitable succumbing to our old ways. We must change the way our conscious mind reacts. The conscious mind receives instructions from the subconscious mind and the subconscious mind always tells the conscious mind to react in the same way.

To change the way our conscious mind reacts we must first change what is stored in our subconscious mind, as it is the subconscious mind that influences the conscious mind to react in the way it does. We do this by reprogramming or changing what is stored in the subconscious mind. When we do this our conscious mind will then react to our desired message the way we have programmed our subconscious mind to instruct it to.

The subconscious mind is the main cause of many of our physical and emotional problems. These problems are often the result of some past event or experience that has been pushed down deep into the subconscious and although the conscious mind often has no recollection of this past event the conscious mind will react in the way it does due to the instructions it receives from the subconscious. It has been conditioned to react in this way by the subconscious mind. These past events can manifest themselves through the conscience mind causing many of our problems.
The only way to change this is to access the subconscious mind and reprogram it to store what we want it to store.

Hypnosis is a way of communicating with your subconscious mind that has been used successfully for Centuries. Hypnosis comes from the Greek term 'ypnos' which means sleep because of the trance like state the hypnotised person attains. The Hypnotised person does not sleep though, in fact they can become even more aware of what is happening around them and if they feel comfortable and safe they will be quite happy to remain in this state while the world continues on at it's own merry pace.

Self-Hypnosis is another option that can easily be done at home with a little practice and works just as well as being hypnotised by a professional hypnotist. In fact all hypnosis is self-hypnosis as it's you who attains the hypnotic state. There are many ways to attain the state of relaxation required for hypnosis. One of the most popular and easiest ways is through the use of audio CD's or cassettes. These tend to help the subject relax and attain the right state for hypnosis to take place.

Because hypnosis affects the subconscious mind it can be used effectively to not only cure bad habits but also to improve confidence reduce stress and attain goals that have otherwise seemed out of reach.

Self-hypnosis is completely safe, it is pleasant and extremely relaxing.

If you want to change undesirable habits into desirable habits but have found it just too hard then Self Hypnosis might be the answer you are looking for.

Visit my website for more information, advice and great tips regarding all aspects of href="http://mindandbody.wordpress.com/">Mind and Body

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Neil_Mighalls

Monday, January 01, 2007

Relieve your Menoapausal Symptoms with these Herbs for Hot Flashes - Linda J Bruton

Menopause is an inevitable stage in every woman's life. It is the time when the decline of hormones significantly affects all body systems. Due to this natural drop in hormones, some natural side effects will also occur. One of the most annoying to most women is hot flashes. This uncomfortable hot sensation drives most women to seek different remedies to alleviate the problem, including natural herbs for hot flashes. Hot flashes are not really a disease, even though it may feel that way. These days, the type of treatment you use can be very important to your future health.

Women's Health Initiative or WHI is an organization concerned with issues relating to menopause. In the past, Hormone Replacement Therapy had become the accepted treatment to ease hot flashes. As the popularity of HRT increased, WHI conducted studies to uncover the risks. The clinical study concluded that the risk of having complications is heightened with HRT. Stroke, blood clots, breast cancer and heart disease are some of the related risks. In addition, there are other side effects associated with HRT, such as breast tenderness and leg pains.

Although HRT can reduce the chances of osteoporosis, the other risks can be far more life-threatening. As women and the medical community became increasingly aware of this, many have increasingly begun using herbs for hot flashes. Studies are continuously conducted to explore the benefits of herbs in medicine, especially in terms of hot flashes. Certain plants are found to be effective for relief of the symptoms.

Soy beans are known to contain isoflavones which are effective chemicals to decrease the harshness of hot flashes. Isoflavones also help in the production of hormones to compensate for the menopausal decline.

Another herb which is frequently recommended even by medical science is black cohosh. It has an efficiency percentage of 90% when used to relieve symptoms, making it the most effective herb for hot flashes. Scientific laboratory tests have further demonstrated the advantages of black cohosh. One of the big ones is that this herb neither encourages the growth of the cancerous estrogens nor thickens the lining of the uterus. In addition, there are other health benefits that black cohosh offers aside from those associated with hot flashes.

Other herbs that can relieve hot flashes are red clover plants. Historically, native healers made use of these plants to correct hormonal imbalances. For those women who have allergies to soy beans, red clover is a good alternative. It also contains isoflavones similar to those found in soy, making it another good herb for hot flashes.

Sarsaparilla is another herb that has become a popular subject for studying hot flash remedies, as well as cancer prevention. Just like red cover, sarsaparilla has also been used to correct hormonal imbalance going all the way back to the infancy of this country. To guarantee the effectiveness of these herbs for hot flashes, sarsaparilla can be added to black cohosh and the combined nutrients can be used as dietary supplements for menopausal women.

Natural herbs are safe and economical to use. There are rare side effects reported of those utilizing the natural greens in the environment. However, since the use of these herbs involves traditional medicine, some doctors may express their doubts. On the other hand, before trying any herbs for hot flashes, it is important to discuss it with your doctor first. The severity of your symptoms will have a lot to do with your final choice of treatment.

Discover how YOU can find relief from hot flashes and menopausal symptoms without Hormone Replacement Therapy at Linda Bruton's Survive Menopause site. Pick up your free special report "Coping with Hot Flashes the Natural Way" (a $27 value) by clicking here:

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Linda_J_Bruton