Thursday, November 30, 2006

Stick It To Me! Here's 10 Great Reasons To Try Acupuncture - James Calvin

Acupuncture is a natural therapy that is a form of Chinese medication. It involves inserting hair-thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the body’s healing abilities. Acupuncture can be used to heal and overcome a variety of physical and mental health related problems.

Pain Relief

Acupuncture can aid in relieving pain. This is, in part, due to the fact that acupuncture increases the body’s level of endorphins, which are often referred to as “feel good” chemicals. Acupuncture also helps normalize nerve impulses because acupuncture points and the central nervous system are connected.

The Immune System

Evidence has indicated that acupuncture strengthens the body’s immune system and natural resistance. It has been shown that there is an increase in white blood cells, as well as in the level of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Globulins after an acupuncture treatment. Alpha and Beta Globulins are thought to help white bloods cells better fight infection, while Gamma Globulins assist in the production of immune antibodies.

Drug Recovery

Acupuncture assists in the recovery of drug and alcohol addiction. It does this by helping to reduce withdrawal symptoms, decreasing cravings, relieving tension, and helping people relax. In fact, acupuncture is so successful in drug treatment recovery that many clinics throughout the United States use acupuncture as an integral component of their programs.

Musculoskeletal Disorders

Acupuncture has the ability to release muscle tension, as well as tension in the connective tissues. This allows the lymphatic, nervous, and circulatory systems to function more efficiently. For these reasons, acupuncture is helpful in both prevention and treating musculoskeletal disorders. In fact, sports figures such as Carl Lewis, Charles Barkley, and Jim McMahon are known to use acupuncture in order to improve training and performance, as well as to speed up healing and to manage pain.


Allergies are caused by the immune system reacting to substances that are harmless to most people. Environmental factors, such as pollen, dust and chemicals are common causes of allergies. Similar, foods such as milk, wheat, and selfish can cause allergic reactions. Allergies can cause watery eyes, stuffy nose and sneezing. They can also cause more serious problems, such as joint pain, diabetes, glaucoma, kidney problems, depression, heart palpitations and learning disorders. Through acupuncture, the body can be detoxified and the immune system can be strengthened, thereby causing the body to cease having allergic reactions.


Stress can lead to more serious health problems, such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, and respiratory problems. According to Chinese medicine, stress causes these problems when the liver energy is out of balance. Therefore, acupuncture helps but this energy back into balance, which relaxes the muscles and brings about peace of mind.

Diseases and Disorder

Acupuncture can help with more than 50 different internal medical problems. Some diseases that have been effectively treated with acupuncture include: bronchitis, asthma, diarrhea, ulcers, and hypertension. The exact acupuncture treatment varies depending on the medical condition and may be used in conjunction with other natural therapies, such as herbs and massage.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is often brought on my depression, stress, or an infection. No matter the direct cause, patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome have immune system deficiencies and most have a weakness in their internal organs. Acupuncture can be used to improve the body’s immunity and, therefore, eliminate Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.


Typical symptoms associated with menopause include night sweats, hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, and heart palpitations. In Chinese medicine, these symptoms occur when the Yin is out of balance. Yet other symptoms of menopause can include weight gain, hypertension, indigestion, and water retention, these are caused by an imbalance in the Yang. If these are left untreated, it results in a Qi deficiency, which causes feelings of fatigue, a dry vagina, decreases sex drive, lower back pain, cold extremities, and incontinence. Acupuncture therapy has been shown to help get the Yin and the Yang back into balance, thereby reducing the symptoms of menopause.

PMS and Menstruation

Many women experience both emotional and physical pain and discomfort before and after menstruation. Emotional difficulties can include sadness, anger outbursts, depression, and irritability. Physical pains can include pain in the lower back and the lower abdomen. Acupuncture can help bring the body back into balance and eliminate or lesson physical and social pain associated with menstruation.

Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that is quickly gaining acceptance in Western culture for its proven ability to treat emotional and physical problems without the side effects associated with other forms of medication.

Are Allergies and Asthma Taking the FUN OUT OF LIFE? Who Else Wants To Learn One Simple Way To Totally Eliminate Asthma And Allergy Attacks, ALL Without Using Drugs And Inhalers Now...

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Copper Bracelets & Health - Their Amazing Health Benefits Revealed! - Sacha Tarkovsky

Copper bracelets were common in ancient societies and have amazing health benefits that you can benefit from. If you think wearing a simple copper bracelet can’t help you remain healthy – think again!

Archeologists have been unearthing copper jewelry for now over 200 years and yet so little has been said about them.

Why were they worn?

Why are they universal (seen in all ancient societies, even Island ones)? What do they do for the wearer?

All these questions are answered and more below. The fact is copper bracelets have a direct medicinal

effect on the human body.

Copper Bracelets and History

Worn by Pharaohs, Indian Rajas, Chinese Emperors, Persian Kings, Alexander the Great, and so many others, the copper bracelet has had more than just a cosmetic purpose.

In fact, it cannot compare even to brass (which is copper and zinc), let along Gold or Silver. Why has copper bracelets been so popular then?

Copper has been used by every civilization that had access to it as a medicine and preventative.

The history of civilization is also the history of the use of copper. The bracelets have literally been worn in every major civilization.

What Does a Copper Bracelet Do?

In a study done in the Mayo Clinic (Bratton et al., 2002) it was found that in general (over 75%) of all people with arthritic and rheumatoid arthritic pains found the symptoms decrease and sometimes disappear by the simple wearing of a pure copper bracelet.

It is no secret that copper is a most excellent conductor of electricity, and besides that, the skin is as much an entry point in the body as a barrier.

Micro doses of copper enter the body and bolster the immune system, and as it’s on the skin, it enters as and when needed (not as in dietary copper).

The copper bracelet seems also to emit elemental and molecular vibrations and other physical phenomena such as a corona effect of the ends of the bracelet.

These vibratory emissions appear to convey some medicinal benefit. In the case of body pains due to some rheumatoid arthritic condition, it appears to be very effective indeed.

Other Benefits of Wearing a Copper Bracelet.

There are several other benefits gained by the wearing of a copper bracelet, allowing absorption directly from the skin. They are:

• Copper binds to enzymes and aid the formation of hemoglobin in erythrocytes, help form collagen for wound healing, and otherwise improve the body's functioning.

• Copper can be absorbed differentially by infectious microorganisms and thereby poison them (such as Staphylococcus aureus bacteria),

• Copper is known to optimize the use of iron and zinc in the immune system.

• The absorption of copper through the skin can correct hidden copper deficiency can help optimize the body's resistance to disease.

• Copper competes with toxic minerals for absorption and physiological use, thus reducing their harmful impact and making them more likely to be eliminated.

• Copper has shown that in certain anemic and sick individuals, there is a trans-dermal feeding response that conveys a powerful tonic and immuno-protective effect.

Side Effects of Wearing A Copper Bracelet

It is true that wearing a copper bracelet can discolor the skin as the blue-green copper deposits there.

However, this discoloration can be washed away with soap and water over the course of a day or two, and there is no evidence that it harms the skin.

Otherwise, there are generally no side effects (except positive and desired ones) in the wearing of a copper bracelet.



On all aspects of health and more on alternative health visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Home Remedies For Toothache - Lee Dobbins

Just about the only thing that is worse than having a toothache is having to go to the dentist so that he can fix it! While you might try to ignore a toothache and hope it goes away you really need to have it checked out as most toothaches are due to tooth or jaw problems like dental cavity, cracked tooth, exposed tooth root, gum disease, jaw point diseases or spasm of the muscles used for chewing.

The severity of a toothache can range from chronic, mild to sharp, and excruciating. The pain may worsen or get aggravated by eating and drinking hot and cold foods and beverage. The weather can also worsen the situation.

Dental cavity is the most common cause of toothache. Dental cavities are holes in the two outer layers of the tooth called the enamel and the dentin. The enamel is the outermost white hard surface and the dentin is the yellow layer just beneath the enamel. Certain bacteria in the mouth that convert simple sugars to acid causing dental cavities. This acid softens and dissolves the enamel and dentin creating cavities.

While you really do need to get to the root of the problem with your dentist, here’s some home remedies that you can use until you can get an appointment:

When toothache occurs, avoid hot, cold or sweet drinks for this will help prevent pain from pulpitis.

Chewing cloves or rubbing clove oil on the tooth is good for toothache.

Mixture of crushed clove and peanut butter will provide relief. Apply this to the aching tooth and keep it in there for some time.

Make a solution of salt and water and gargle.

Turmeric sticks are good for toothache. Burn some turmeric sticks, make a fine powder, and use it as toothpowder.

Chew a clove slowly in the aching tooth to release the juice and leave it there for about half an hour. Do this three to four times.

Ginger is also good. Try to do the same procedure as the cloves and it gives same relief.

Drink juice of star fruit twice a day to get relief from the tooth pain.

Drops of vanilla extract on the affected tooth are an effective remedy.

Oil of oregano on the paining tooth is also effective.

You may also use Listerine antiseptic by gargling it.

Ice is a traditional relief for toothache. Chew a piece of ice on the aching side of the mouth, although in the case of cavity this may make it hurt more!

If the pain is prolonged and severe, painkillers may provide some relief.

You may be able to avoid the pain of toothache all together by keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy. Try to avoid cavities by reducing the intake of sugary foods and drinks. Make them as an occasional treat and at meal times only. Brush your teeth and floss regularly.

Visiting the dentist every 6 months for a cleaning will help to ensure healthy teeth and gums. This way, you can avoid most toothache by catching any problems in their early stages where the treatment will be less severe.

Lee Dobbins writes for where you can find out more about natural treatments and home remedies.

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Monday, November 27, 2006

The Fastest Way To Get Over The Flu - By: Chuck Bluestein

The above title is my guarantee to you. Modern medicine knows that people can come in contact with the germs that cause the flu and not get it due to a great immune system. What do colds have to do with the cold weather? Why is the flu season during the cold weather? Learn why the body catches a cold and the flu, how to get over them the fastest way and how to avoid them.

If your immune sysem is strong enough then you will not get the flu. When a person's health is too low, the body's intelligence tries to strenghten it. Its job is to constantly try to make the person healthy and fit, not fat. Its only goal is the best health possible. But people have many other priorities like entertainment, fun, being sociable, making money and being admired.

So when a person's health (immune system) drops too low, the body's intelligence tries to force you to do something about it. A person's health and immune system are proportional to how clean or free of toxins the body is. It is constantly trying to get rid of toxins but sometimes it gets backed up. Things that help the body detoxify are heavy sweating caused by heat or exercise, sleeping, fasting and eating a light and healthy diet. The opposite things, like lack of sleep, causes the body to get backed up with these toxins.

During cold weather people get less sunlight which means less vitamin D (which is good for the immune system). Also people sweat a lot less during cold weather so saunas can help to cause more sweating. The skin is one of the 4 excretory organs which also include the lungs, liver and kidneys. The colon is not an excretory organ since it is outside the body proper. That is medical talk.

With Bikrams Hot Yoga, you do yoga exercise in a room that is 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Americans have a tendency to over eat and under sleep especially around the holidays. I saw on the forums before thanksgiving that more people are asking what to do about a cold.

So the body's intelligence allows you to get sick so you will do the things that you were unwilling to do, like taking off work, eating less and sleeping more. Then after the flu, you are healthier than you were before the flu. If you do not do these things then the flu can last a long time.

The quickest way to get over a cold or the flu is fasting, according to Mark Twain and I. That causes the body to detoxify at the fastest rate possible. If you can't fast, then just eat only fruit, especially fruits high in vitamin C, until you are better. You already know about getting plenty of rest and drinking enough fluids. For more on this, see my website: Colds and the Flu

By: Chuck Bluestein

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Chuck Bluestein is a nutritionist, herbalist and an expert on fasting and weight loss. His website has info on colds and flus, losing weight (including water weight), weight loss strategies, healthy diet, fasting, natural healing and how to be happier. Fasting and The Master Cleanser Lemonade Fast

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Natural Headache Relief - Alvin Toh

Headache is a common complaint in most people. There are 2 types of headaches: primary and secondary. Primary headaches are migraine, cluster and tension headaches. Secondary headaches are caused by an underlying disorder such as brain tumour, infection or injury. Tension headaches are the most prevalent type, afflicting men and women at some point in their lives. Most headaches are triggered by emotional, stress, environmental, chemical and food factors.

There are many over-the-counter headache pain relief medications. However, they don't cure headaches and are not without side effects. Over time, any medication can lose its effectiveness if taken too frequently.

Natural alternatives to headache pain relief are just as effective if you know the cause of your headache. However, if you suffer from migraine, cluster or any other serious types of headache, natural headache remedies may not help.

Here are some of the most common natural headache remedies.

1. Take a hot bath. The hot water helps to release contracted muscles and generally relaxes the whole body, thus relieving tension headaches.

2. Exercise can relieve headaches that are caused by stress. Jogging, swimming and taking a brisk walk will improve blood circulation, release tension and relax your body.

3. Many headaches are caused by dehydration, which causes muscle contraction. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day is recommended, not only to prevent and relieve headaches but essential to maintaining general well-being.

4. Hot or cold compress is great for relieving allergy, sinus and caffeine headaches.

5. Some oils such as lavender, eucalyptus and peppermint can relieve tension headaches.

6. Acupuncture or acupressure is a commonly used to treat stress or chronic headaches.

7. Massage is effective for relieving muscle tension in the head, neck and shoulders, and reducing stress. It can help to relieve tension headaches in some people.

8. Establish regular sleeping hours and get sufficient amount of sleep every day. The lack of or too much sleep may trigger headaches.

9. Poor posture can put a strain on your neck. Don't sit, stand or work in one position for long periods of time. Good posture places minimal strain on your muscle, ligaments and bones.

10. Avoid bright lights if they cause headaches to you. Staying in a room with minimal lighting can provide relief to headache pain.

11. Avoid foods that trigger your headaches to prevent future attacks. Some common food suspects are chocolate, red wine, nuts and cheese.

12. Reduce your caffeine intake.

Different natural headache remedies work for different people, so you need to experiment to find out which ones suit you best. If you have recurring headaches or they are very painful, it is best to consult with a doctor.

Headache is a common cause of suffering in most people. There is no need to live with the pain of headache. For more revealing facts and resources about causes of headaches and natural headache pain relief, visit

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Saturday, November 25, 2006

Sorry to my Readers

Sorry to all my readers but I was away for the holidays and no where near a computer. I will be posting more articles soon. Thanks for your patience.


Anna A.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Aloe - It Is Used Internally To Combat Poor Appetite, Asthma - Gerald Crawford

Aloe Vera information and how it is used as a herb in alternative herbal treatments to treat ailments and problems such as healing wounds, for skin rejuvenation, acting as a laxative and reducing skin irritation and relieving sun burn.

Although we believe in the therapeutic and healing properties of herbs, care must be taken in the use thereof, as they are powerful compounds.

Botanical Classification: Family Aloeceae

Genus and specie: Aloe vera - Aloe barbadensis

Other names:

Barbados, Cape, Curaiao, Socotrine, and Zanzibar aloe

Description of the herb aloe vera:

Aloe vera is a clump forming perennial with rosettes of thick, fleshy, spiky, gray-green leaves, young specimens being red spotted and the plant bears yellow tubular flowers in summer.

Parts used:

The slimy inside of the leave is used (also referred to as gel) as well as a juice extracted from the pulpy inside and a yellow bitter laxative principle which is an exudate from the leaf which is dried to a crystalline substance.

To prevent any confusion, herewith a summary of uses:

Aloe vera gel:

This is the naturally occurring and undiluted gel obtained by stripping away the outer layer of the leaf.

Aloe vera concentrate or extract:

This is the product obtained when removing the water from the gel

Aloe vera juice:

This is a drink for internal use that consist of at least 50% of the pulped aloe gel.

Aloe vera latex or bitter principle:

This is a bitter yellow liquid derived from the pericyclic tubules of the rind of the aloe and which primary constituent is aloin.


It is a bitter herb with anti-inflammatory, astringent, emollient, anti fungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties, and is useful in the eradication of parasites and stimulating the uterus.

It contains a host of compounds that are biologically active and includes anthraquinones, saccharides and prostaglandins as well as other constituents.


The anthraquinones contained in aloe, which has the purging and laxative action on the digestive system includes aloin (barbaloin), isobarloin, anthranol, aloetic acid, anthracene, ester of cinnamic acid, aloe-emodin, emodin, chrysophanoic acid, ethereal oil as well as resistannol.


It contains various saccharides including glycoprotein, mucopolysaccharide and polysaccharides such as galactose, xylose, arabinose, acetylated mannose as well as the remarkable acemannan.

Prostaglandins and fatty acids:

The conversion of fatty acids to prostaglandins are rare but the major unsaturated fatty acid, gamma-linolenic acid can be converted to 1-series prostaglandins and have a very effective influence on reducing inflammation, allergy as well as helping platelet aggregation (blood clotting at wound sites) as well as wound healing.

Other constituents:

It furthermore contains enzymes (oxidase, amylase, catalase, lipase and alkaline phosphatase) amino acids (lysine, threonine, valine, methionine, leucine, isoleucine and phenylalanine) vitamins (vitamin b1, B2, B6, C, E, folic acid, choline and beta carotene) minerals (calcium, sodium, manganese, magnesium, zinc, copper and chromium as well as other miscellaneous compounds such as cholesterol, triglycerides, steroids, uric acid, lignins, beta-sitosterol, gibberellin and salicylic acid.

Therapeutic uses:

Internal use:

The herb is used internally to combat most digestive problems, including:

constipation, poor appetite, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome as well as - asthma, diabetes, immune system enhancement, peptic ulcers

Studies have also shown that when aloe is taken internally it can stimulate and regulate various components of the immune system by stopping the inflammation and blood supply of tumors and also showed interesting results in preventing carcinogenic compounds from entering the liver and is combined in some cancer treatments.

The juice of the inner leave can be used for its anti-inflammatory effect it has on Crohn's disease but the laxative and bitter principle of aloe must NOT be used by people suffering from Crohn's disease as it causes griping and cramping.

It contains aloemannan which stimulates the growth of healthy kidney cells and helps to slow the formation of kidney stones.

The juice can be used very successfully to treat heartburn as well as ulcers and to sooth the lining of the digestive tract. It is not that effective to treat stress induced ulcers, but can be used for peptic ulcers caused by excess acid, aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as well as alcohol use.

The oral use of aloe has produced good results in patients suffering from asthma when the asthma sufferers were not dependant on corticosteroids for treatment.

The exude from the leaves are used as a strong purgative and stimulant laxative but can cause griping and has an abortifacient effect and should not be used in pregnancy.

The bitter principle in aloe exudate which cause the laxative effect is preferable to use than that of cascara and senna, as aloe draws less fluid into the large intestine and are less likely to cause electrolyte imbalance than the other two.

In a study where volunteers ate 120 grams of parboiled aloe for lunch and supper a marked decrease in cholesterol, triglycerides and sugar was found, while in another test using aloe extract, it reduced fasting blood-sugar dramatically which is probably due to the stimulating effect it has on the pancreas to produce more insulin.

External use:

Aloe is used externally for the treatment of:

skin irritation, burns, scalds, sunburn, wounds, eczema, psoriasis, acne, dermatitis, ulcers, stimulate cell regeneration

The gel can be applied directly to the skin as a softening agent.

For burns and other wounds aloe is particularly effective as it activates the macrophages which fights bacterial infection while at the same time increasing circulation to the area which results in accelerated healing.

The enzymes - carboxypeptidase and bradykininase are both involved to reduce swelling, itching, reducing inflammation as well as pain.

Studies confirmed that wounds treated with aloe heal far faster than other wounds not so treated - both for traumatic as well as surgical wounds. This may be due to the fact that it contains not only vitamin E and C as well as zinc but the polysaccharides also reduce inflammation and stimulate the fibroblast and epidermal growth and repair process.

The juice is also effective for the treatment of minor wounds and insect bites by forming a "natural plaster" over the wound.

It has good astringent qualities and is usually combined with other ingredients, to make an excellent, soothing treatments for the skin and can also be used with great success on hemorrhoids (piles).

In studies it also showed a marked result in producing remission in skin cancers and its superb anti-oxidant effect is effective to help prevent skin damage from x-rays and other forms of radiation.

When applied regularly to psoriasis great results are achieved and also relieve the pain and inflammation of eczema.

When people with frostbite was treated with a cream containing aloe, the incidence of tissue loss and amputation was reduced.

Aloe-emodin which is one of the ingredients not only has a laxative effect, but is also involved in killing the herpes virus which causes cold sores and shingles.

Aromatherapy and essential oil use:

Aromatherapists use aloe vera by infusing the plant material into a base oil, such as almond or apricot kernel oil.

This macerated oil exhibits astringent, emollient, anti fungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.

The oil is combined in massage therapy for its healing and rejuvenating properties.

Safety precautions and warnings:

Pregnant and breast feeding women should not use aloe latex (the laxative part) internally, although the topical application of aloe to the skin has no effect on pregnant or breastfeeding women.

People suffering from problematic hemorrhoids, ulcers, diverticulosis, colitis, Crohn's disease, or irritable bowel syndrome should consult a medical practitioner or trusted herbalist before taking aloe internally.

Extreme care should be taken with the administration of aloe laxatives, as this can cause severe digestive upsets.

When used topically, some individuals may have an allergic reaction and a skin patch test (behind the ear or on the forearm) is advised before use.

Gerald Crawford was born in South Africa, studied electronics, telecommunication, eco-travel and african travel concepts. He taught responsible tourism in South Africa. If you have any questions or comments please e-mail me on. E-mail Address: Website Address:

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Monday, November 20, 2006

Neem For Natural Eczema Remedy - Evelyn Lim

Many have reported good success with neem for natural eczema remedy. Eczema is a type of skin disease commonly called as dermatitis. Eczema skin is usually very dry. When the skin is attacked by a bout of eczema, it turns red, itchy and inflammed. If you have eczema, you will find it hard to stop itching and that tends to aggravate your already very sensitive skin.

Neem is a special Indian plant. It is famous for its medicinal values. In India,the neem tree is considered sacred and worshiped. It is easy to find neem trees everywhere in the country, so much so that it is considered the free tree of India. The English name for neem is Margosa. The botanical name of neem tree is Azadirachta indica.

Neem has been used as a medicine for more than 5000 years. Neem is especially good for those with skin disorders such as eczema. As a natural eczema remedy, neem when applied on the skin relieves you from itching and the painful symptoms arising from your disorder. You can also take a warm bath with neem leaves in it. In fact, this is a very common custom in India. It is also highly suitable in the instance when you have some minor skin infections.

Neem, as a natural eczema remedy, has anti bacterial, anti parasitic, anti fungal, anti viral and anti protozoal properties. It prevents micro organisms from entering into your body. For eczema sufferers, this is good news. Very often, bacteria is being introduced into your body through your broken skin, a result from scratching and itching. Application of neem oil or neem powder on your wounded skin can render micro-organisms inactive, thereby initiating relief and recovery.

Neem is not only beneficial as a natural eczema remedy but also helps to strengthen the immune system of your body. You can obtain its benefits by eating raw neem leaves. However, if you are having neem for lunch for the first time, you may not be used to the taste. Or you may find it inconvenient to have to chew neem leaves. The alternative is to consume neem supplements in the form of capsules.

Neem products for natural eczema remedy are now readily available via Indian herbal stores or on the internet. You can also get neem lotions, body washes, shampoos and conditioners if you have sensitive skin. My Indian friend tells me that he has seen cases of people gaining through consuming and using neem as a natural eczema remedy.

Evelyn Lim has been suffering from eczema skin symptoms for several years. She reviews natural eczema products and treatments on her site. Read about her journey to getting beautiful skin here at

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Friday, November 17, 2006

Home Remedies For Sinuses - By Sharon Hopkins

Sinusitis refers to inflammation of the sinus passage and over secretion of mucus by the membrane lining the nose and throat. It is often followed by a common cold, influenza and other general infections.

Excessive or constant sneezing, running nose, blockage of one or both nostrils, headaches and pressure around the head, eyes and face, fever, lack of appetite and difficulty in breathing are symptoms of sinusitis.

Try some of these home remedies for sinuses -

- A tsp of black cumin seeds tied in a thin cotton cloth provides relief when inhaled.

- Take few capsules of cayenne during or after each meal for several days till the infection is cleared up. Alternatively put 1 tsp of cayenne in cup of hot water and drink a cupful of this thrice a day.

- Add few drops of eucalyptus oil to 1/2 cup boiling water. Pour the mixture into a bowl and inhale the steam for 10 - 15 minutes with your head covered with a large towel.

- Put few drops of eucalyptus oil on your handkerchief and sniff periodically.

- Dissolve 1 tsp of salt in 2 cups of water and use it through a nasal inhaler.

- Make a nasal flush by mixing 1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp baking soda in one cup of warm water. Fill the syringe with the solution and drop the mixture up your nose.

- Dissolve 1 tsp uniodized salt and 1/2 tsp baking soda in a pint of water and inhale it through nasal inhaler.

- Steep 1-2 tsp of thyme in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Drink a cupful of this mixture three times a day. Because of its strong antiseptic properties, thyme is good for respiratory infections.

- Sipping hot teas made with herbs such as fenugreek, fennel, anise, or sage may help move mucus even more and keeps it flowing.

- Blow one nostril at a time. This will help prevent pressure buildup in the ears, which can send bacteria further back into the sinus passages.

- Sniffling whenever your nostrils feel stuffed is a good way to drain the sinuses and stale secretions down the throat.

- Press your thumbs to the either side of the nostril to bring a fresh blood supply to the area and soothing relief.

- Apply warm wash cloth over your eyes and cheekbones. Leave it till you feel the sinus pain subsiding.

- Carrot and spinach juice taken regularly is also found to be highly beneficial.

- Eat pungent herbs like garlic, horseradish because it contains a chemical that moves mucus and makes it less sticky.

- Garlic, Onions, Horseradish, Hot Pepper and Ginger added to any soup broth will open the sinuses.

- Steep fresh basil in cupful of water and drink it to alleviate the stuffiness caused by inflamed membranes.

- Pungent oils such as thymol and camphor help open clogged passages.

- Tilt your head back and place a tsp of onion juice in each nostril. Repeat when needed.

- Grate fresh lotus root, mix it with grated ginger and unbleached white flour. Apply the mixture directly to the skin. You can leave this for several hours or overnight. Repeat for a week or more till you get relief. This is mixture is quite effective dispersing and moving stagnated mucus. There could be watery discharge from the eyes or nose.

The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using if you are allergic to something. The responsibility lies with the reader, not the site, and the writer.

About the Author: Sharon Hopkins manages Home Remedies providing information on home based cures. Sinusitis results from the inflammation of the sinus passage and know how to find relief with natural home based remedies.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Infertility And Natural Herbal Remedies - Joe Rote

A couple with no specific physical abnormalities, that do everything right to conceive for a reasonable length of time without a positive result, can be considered to have a fertility problem.

Many couples affected by infertility spend months or years of treatment for fertility problems without a positive outcome.

The inability of a couple to conceive and the exact causes of infertility are very hard to pin down, and may have many underlying single or multiple causes. Therefore it may be wise to try to remedy the problem by maximizing many of the bodily functions needed for a successfull outcome.

Natural herbal remedies have come a long way since their ancient origins, and are making new strides every day, with remedies to increase fertility and enhance functioning of the male and female reproductive systems.

Herbal remedies use botanicals (plants) either singularly or in compounds, and sometimes animal by-products to prevent and correct targeted conditions.

Many new natural herbal products have been compounded to remedy infertility for example for:

Females to:

* Promote regular ovulation

* Correct hormone imbalances

* Regulate menstrual cycles

* Increase libido

Males to:

* Improve the functioning of the (prostate, seminal vesicles, testes, and penis)

* Increase, testosterone levels, sperm production and, motility

* Enhance sex drive, and strengthen erections

Stress, poor nutrition, bad habits such as smoking, over use of alcohol, and drug abuse, emotional and psychological problems, a number of prescription medicines, can all adversely affect fertility, and may require some lifestyle changes.

Natural remedies optimize reproductive health without adding to the risks of multiple births, and many other problems of other approaches to overcoming infertility problems.

A natural herbal remedy could be the answer to your problem.

The FDA does not regulate the manufacturing of herbs, common sense and a little research can help assure that you are buying a quality product. Check the name of the manufacturer or distributor, and the facts label for, amount, daily usage values, and active ingredients.

Joe Rote has spent 18 years in the health field, and is the webmaster of that will point you to high quality information, and natural herbal remedies that are produced under pharmaceutical conditions to ensure the highest degree of potency and consistency. Copyright 2006 Joe Rote this article may be freely distributed if the resource box stays attached and no part of the article changed without permission

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Asthma treatment utilizing natural health products versus prescription medicine
By: Rich Marsiglia

Traditionally, Asthma is researched and known as a condition, which affects the respiratory track of the lungs. Asthma can be categorized into allergic and non-allergic or extrinsic, intrinsic and mixed asthma.

An extrinsic Asthma (allergic) :It is normally attacked by allergic things such as dust particles, fumes or smokes, animal dander, sugar, chemicals, drugs, environmental and industrial pollutants, food additive and tobacco, etc

An intrinsic Asthma (Non-Allergic): Generally triggered by adrenal glands’ disorder and emotional disorder such as stress, tension and anxiety.

It is wholly depends on the stimuli that trigger or target in attacking a person.

Mixed AsthmaMixed asthma is a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic asthma. Mixed asthma patients react to certain allergies but also are triggered by other reasons and things.

It is a two- steps problem.

• When a person is affected by asthma, inflammation is felt in the air passages and it becomes red and swollen.

• When the air passages get inflamed, the patient becomes extra-sensitive to different things, which may aggravate asthma.


It is a respiratory disease caused from allergies; it can be identified or its presence can be felt by symptoms like chest constriction, labored breathing and continuous coughing.

Asthma is a chronic disease, which cannot be cured permanently but can be controlled. One can control his asthma if it is early and properly diagnosed and then patient goes for early treatment. If treatment is not done earlier or a patient becomes careless about his health then there will be frequent and severe attack of asthma, which may lead to fatal consequences.


We know that asthma cannot be cured permanently but we can control it to great extend if we opt natural treatment and take some precautions. Heavy doses of medicines of different chemical compositions may aggravate asthma instead of controlling it. So it is better to start treatment using natural products.

Natural treatment is safe and result oriented; it can control asthma to great extend without any side effects. The health condition of the lungs, immune system, nervous system and adrenal system are the vital areas for the treatment of asthma through natural products.

Asthma treatment using natural product

Natural treatment starts by avoiding things, which trigger asthma such as aerosol, sugar, food additives, fats food, salt, fast food, junk food, ice cream and chemically preservative food.

The patient must add more juicy fruits, green vegetables, fiber vegetables and raw nuts in his diet.

Patent must avoid such conditions and situations, which cause emotional disturbances or negative emotions such as depression, restlessness, anger, anxiety, destructiveness, self-condemnation and self -pity.

In natural treatment of asthma diet, emotional and physical aspects to be taken care.
Herbal products must be taken that help in removing excessive mucous and clear respiratory track.

Herbal asthmatic formula contains 13 types of herbs, which reduces excessive mucus, chest constriction; clear respiratory track and helps in comfortable breathing.

Herbs contain antitussive and antispasmodic qualities, which helps in toning lungs and helps in relieving congestion.

There are herbs included for the treatment of asthma that having demulcent and expectorant qualities to tone up bronchial tubes that help in expelling excessive mucus and phlegm.

Some herbs have multi qualities, which act on the body suitably and positively to tone and shape up lungs, clear air passage, control and calm down coughing and control labor breathing.

Herbs like elecampane, garlic, mustard, ginger, skullcap and valerian easily available naturally and these herbs are highly recommended for the treatment of asthma.

There are herbal chocolate and tea, which can be used for the treatment to control asthma. There are tonic, based on herbs to strengthen the immune system and respiratory system. Food powders are made of herbs and fruits to fight asthmatic attacks.

There are ointments made by herbs to rub the chest during the breathing problems or chest constriction.

There are also ayurvedic and homeopathic treatment to control asthma, which is found to be very effective and substantial.

Asthma should be treated opting natural products and herbs because it is safety, cheaper and free from any side effect. These applications will certainly control your asthma and same time you can enjoy life normally and naturally.

Author Rich Marsiglia, Natural Health Products at YourHealthyPlace.

Article Source:

Monday, November 13, 2006

Colon-Liver Cancer: A Story of a Miraculous Healing - Chris Teo, Ph.D.

Goh, was 73 year-old male. He was diagnosed with colon cancer. He opted for alternative healing instead of an operation. With the help of his son, he changed to a totally raw, vegetarian diet. After two months, the tumours in the colon mysteriously disappeared. The doctor took numerous X-rays on him and was baffled as to what had happened. Believing that he was cured, Goh went back to his old ways and diet! Within two months, the cancer came back. This time he was in severe pains. Besides, the cancer had spread to the liver. He was in so much agony that the family had to send him to the hospital. At first, the doctors were reluctant to admit him and scolded his son for “trying to be too clever.”

Medically there was nothing anybody could do for him, except to give him painkillers. He was the worst of patients in the hospital cancer ward. When the specialist came on ward rounds, he would refuse to see Goh, because according to the specialist Goh’s “liver did not function anymore!” His stomach was bloated and the legs swelled and the rest of him was reduced to skin and bones. His condition was beyond imagination. He was unable to walk, even for a short distance to the toilet, and could barely talk. After almost three months, he was brought home because according to his family “if he had to die, let him die at home.” Except for one son, the rest of the family members gave him up for dead. They said: “There is no need to give him anything -- why waste the money, there is no chance, no hope anymore.”

Around Goh’s 73th birthday, the family made him a coat. Actually, that coat was intended for his anticipated funeral. Goh himself gave up, refusing to take any medication -- he was ready to die. Fortunately, one of his sons refused to accept defeat. He came to CA Care and asked for herbs. Goh was prescribed many herbs but he only agreed to take the Abdominal Distension tea, refusing the AB, Liver-P etc. After two weeks, the swelling subsided and the healing started! As Goh gained confidence, he started to take other prescribed herbs. Soon, all the pains were gone and he regained his health.

I met Goh and his son for the first time on 9 October 2000, at the hotel while on a visit to his home state. We had a chat and did a video interview. Goh told me that he was healthier than before he had cancer. He wakes up around 4 a.m. everyday and walks about four to five kilometres to the market to buy his daily food supplies. He comes home and eats raw potato leaves. He takes his juices. He refuses to eat any meat even though his qi-kung master encourages him “to eat some meat for strength.” He does not feel that he has lost any strength and can climb the hills like anyone else.

A lesson I learnt from this episode – “Don’t ever give up, even if your doctors have given up on you!”

Story extracted from the author’s book: Cancer Success Story Book 2: Miraculous Healing.

To view our video-taped conversation click:
For more information about complementary therapy for cancer visit:,

Article Source:,_Ph.D.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Natural Breathing Aid - KG Stiles

Refreshing, stimulating and powerful Eucalyptus is a long lasting oil with fluid consistency and one of the most well-known aromas of all the essential oils, along with lavender, rose and mint. Most people can easily recognize any one of these aromas.

Eucalyptus brings to mind the family medicine cabinet. Certainly many traditional, as well as modern day medicines, contain Eucalyptus.

Strongly anti-bacterial and anti-viral its healing potency is widely recognized and highly valued.

Eucalyptus is a powerful respiratory aid and its strong influence on breathing is undisputed!

Eucalyptus supports our breathing process by stimulating oxygen uptake in our blood cells and tissues.

Powerfully stimulates blood circulation throughout the body.

Through increased oxygenation in the lungs Eucalyptus promotes the cleansing and repair function of our red blood cells.

Eucalyptus is an excellent blood cleanser!

Helpful for regenerating lung tissue and its function.

For treating bronchial problems use Eucalyptus as an inhalant, or diffuse into the air. May also use in a dilution of light coconut oil or jojoba and apply liberally to the chest and upper back areas.

Eucalyptus is an excellent expectorant (promotes removal of mucous from respiratory system) and cough suppressant.

Eucalyptus is helpful for easing inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes.

Relieves nasal congestion!

Powerful anti-bacterial properties may be effective in the treatment of a broad spectrum of infections.

Fever reducer! Helpful for relieving fevers that arise from infectious diseases.

Eucalyptus is useful in cool compresses! Apply to the forehead, back of neck, over the kidneys and pelvic region. Similar to Peppermint's cooling action. Only a small amount is needed otherwise may produce a chilling effect.

Often used for the treatment of malaria symptoms!

Traditional remedy for sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, strep throat, colds and flu, hay fever, catarrh, coughs, sinus headache and headaches due to any sort of congestion.

May use as a gargle to relieve sore throat!

Please join me for Natural Breathing Aid Part II to learn about exciting new research being conducted on Eucalyptus and other essential oils for use as potent anti-bacterials.

PLEASE NOTE: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results purchase the highest quality oils you can possibly find. Use certified organic essential oils, or oils that have been tested and are pesticide free.

Aromatherapy is a gentle and noninvasive complementary health care system used for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind, spirit and emotions to enhance your health. Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being and can produce satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your physician regarding serious health concerns and do not attempt to self diagnose.

KG Stiles is a certified aromatherapist practicing in Ashland, OR USA. PurePlant Essentials is her line of pure organic essential oils. Remedies with Eucalyptus KG recommends: Click to learn about & order COLD & FLU RELIEF Click to learn about & order ESSENTIAL OILS BASIC GIFT SET - INCLUDES EUCALYPTUS Click to learn about & order IMMUNE SUPPORT More Info? Contact: KG Stiles at Springhill Wellness Center, 2520 Springhill Drive Ashland, OR USA (541) 941-7315 Mahalo!

Article Source:

Saturday, November 11, 2006

All-natural Vitamin Designed to Nutritionally Support the Entire Body - John Smithton

Scientists created synthetic vitamins that are cheap to make and are said to be identical in their atomic structure when compared to whole vitamins (Vitamins directly from vegetables).
However, when polarized light was placed through these synthetic vitamins, the light acted much differently than when placed through whole vitamins. When polarized light is placed through whole vitamins, the light beam bends to the right due to its molecular rotation. When this same light passes through a synthetic vitamin, the beam split in half. Half of the light will always bend right while the other half always bends left. This proves that we have not created an identical vitamin and this is why synthetic vitamins only give you 50% of biological activity as compared to whole vitamins. In fact, research studies show that synthetic vitamins can be dangerous to your health! Synthetic stripped down processed vitamins are currently being sold in almost every brand name supplement today.

One way that people can help ensure overall health is to take a complete supplement that is designed to meet all of their nutritional needs. One such supplement, called “The Greatest Vitamin in the World” is available now. It contains all of the highest-grade nutrients and has been formulated to nutritionally support the entire body. The special formula was created to nutritionally support areas of the body related to whole-food vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and enzymes.

This supplement is a whole-food vitamin, meaning that the body uses up to 50 percent more of the nutrients than in other chemically formulated, synthetic vitamins currently on the market. The Greatest Vitamin in the World contains chelated minerals, which are most easily absorbed by the body. Also included are probiotics—good bacteria to help the intestines—and vegetable enzymes, to promote a healthy digestive system. A whole food vitamin with all of these high-end ingredients would cost upwards of $70.00 or more. The Greatest Vitamin in the World is now available and can be exclusively purchased online for $39.95 (plus shipping and handling).

To learn more about the ways in which The Greatest Vitamin in the World can help in nutritionally supporting the human body, go to You may contact the company directly at 800-544-8482 or via email at:

ABOUT The Greatest Vitamin in the World -The Greatest Vitamin In The World is endorsed by Don Lapre. The company recently added additional nutritional supplements under the label, The Perfect Pill. In addition to the nutritional supplements offered, The Greatest Vitamin in the World also offers an affiliate program for customers to sell the vitamins, and has paid out millions of dollars to Independent Advertisers who have done such.

About The Author

To learn more about the ways in which The Greatest Vitamin in the World can help in nutritionally supporting the human body, go to . You may contact the company directly at 800-544-8482 or via email at: .

Friday, November 10, 2006

This Flu Season, Dont Mess Around with Strep Throat - Jessica Deets

Strep throat is a bacterial infection caused by the Streptococcus pyogenes (strep) Group A bacteria. You see it more in children than in adults, but adults do get it sometimes. This flu season may turn out to be one of the worst seasons for strep throat.

With strep throat, you'll see a fever and sore throat pain, usually with a headache (but not always) and sometimes a stomach ache. There might be swollen, tender glands in the neck, or sores around the nose. You might also see a loss in appetite and tired looking eyes.

Scarlet fever is actually strep combined with a rash, and there is also the sore throat along with some general symptoms, such as fatigue, and a red rash and skin blotches on the body (that feel like a rough sandpaper). If left untreated for one to two weeks, it can turn into rheumatic fever.

We normally encourage natural cures, such as oil of oregano, orange juice, vitamin C, colloidal silver, pau d' arco, garlic, and other types of natural cures you can find at the health food store. However, this flu season I did some checking around and found that (according to the opinion of my source) this latest strep is more severe and can hit a person really quickly... and that antibiotics are necessary in this instance.

This week my son got a sore throat one night. We just thought it was a cold... although his tongue was white and had a texture like a strawberry. We got him taking vitamin C and garlic caps. The next day his eyes looked really tired, he was lethargic and he had bumps on his chest and stomach. We thought the bumps were from laying directly on the carpet (that's what it looked like).

We decided to take him to the doctor and the doctor swabbed his throat and the results came back as strep and his rash was scarlet fever. Just the mention of scarlet fever made us cringe, then the doctor said it just means a combination of strep throat and rash. My son is allergic to penicillin, so the doctor prescribed Erythromycin. My son took his first dose and within about 6 hours, most of the rash was gone and he was feeling lots better.

I heard it's common for the strep symptoms to be relieved very quickly when first taking the antibiotics, although it's very important to finish the entire course of antibiotics that the doctor prescribes. If the doctor wants you to take the antibiotics for 10 days, even if you feel better after a day or two, don't stop the antibiotics. Keep taking them, and finish them according to the doctor's instructions.

Although we like to recommend the natural cures, this is the one season that if a person gets these strep symptoms they should see the doctor soon. If antibiotics are recommended, get them and take them all. You'll get very fast relief with antibiotics even as soon as a half day, and you'll minimize the risk of scarlet fever and rheumatic fever.

Copyright 2005. This information is not to meant replace medical advice. If you feel sick or have other related symptoms, see your doctor or other medical professional.

Jessica Deets specializes in information to help people and has a passion about helping people to not get ill. The website at has news and information about the flu including avian flu (H5N1).

Article source:

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Easy Steps To Become Migraine Headache Free - Javier Fuller

Migraine headache is what migraine headache does! It is difficult to describe it and most difficult to endure. To be frank for the duration of the headache, you lose interest in life. You feel as if you will never be able to recover from your pitiable condition.

The attack of migraine destabilizes you. It shakes your bones and muscles. You experience extreme pain and pressure on one side of the head or over one eye. You experience nausea, feel like switching off all the lights, windows and door and remain in darkness. You wish to get relief from this headache somehow!

Over the counter medications for migraine may or may not give you relief. But even with the relief they are never the permanent solution to this malady. Sometimes these medications may increase your problem. But if you go for the natural treatment they are more effective. They are certainly harmless without any fear of side effects.

So migraine is a special type of disease that requires special attention. One of the very popular methods of natural treatment is Chiropractic adjustments or manipulation. This is reportedly a century-old practice that has shown good results. Over 80% of people who have tried Chiropractic practices have got relief from migraine headache. The treatment is safe and cost-effective.

The second form of treatment is Biofeedback. This is again a safe method. It is a sort of training program for self treatment to control nervous system. This technique provides you the ability to control blood pressure, skin temperature and own heart rate. The pressure in the tense muscles is thus reduced.

Dietary control is another important tool to control the migraine headache. Food allergies and sensitivities are one of the reasons for this peculiar type of headache. Foods that cause migraine headaches are basically the triggers of headache. You might experience the pain after taking certain food items such as alcohol, nuts, chocolate or cheese. So you need to be your own diet-master and evolve a personal foot chart. Eliminate those items consuming which you get problems.

One major reason for migraine headache is pure stress. So you need to think about other pleasant ideas, do physical and breathing exercises or go for a brisk walk and ease your tension. Following the above discussed measures, you will soon find yourself migraine free.

To get more info on headache, migraine headache and headache relief visit

Article Source:

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Sore Throat Remedy: What To Do When Its Hard To Swallow - By Matthew Hick

Swallowing is a normal part of our everyday lives. In fact, we probably do it around every 15 seconds of our lives. So when a sore throat makes every swallow an agony, we need to help relieve this in any way. Sore throats can be an early warning sign of a cold or flu, or they can be the result of a viral or bacterial infection. They can also be the consequence of allergies or simply sleeping with our mouths open.

A sore throat is an acute inflammation of the lower pharynx mucous membranes. It can be an inflammation of the tonsils. If sleeping with your mouth open due to a stuffed nose causes the sore throat, then a cool mist humidifier in your room will help. This will add moisture to the air and ease your congestion. If, on the other hand, your sore throat is from a cold or flu, then there are a number of remedies available to ease your misery.

Gargling is an effective way to soothe your throat and the inflammation that exists. There are a number of solutions you can gargle with. Salt water is among the most popular of these. Simply mix 1 teaspoon of salt with an eight-ounce glass of warm water. Gargle the whole mixture and repeat every hour as necessary. This combination will increase the blood supply to the area by washing out the mucous and dilating the capillaries. You can also gargle with diluted lemon juice in warm water, or add 1 spoon of bourbon or whiskey to a glass of water to numb the area. Chamomile tea cooled to a lukewarm temperature for gargling has also been known to be soothing.

Swallowing one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar combined with a glass of water can be effective, since the acidity in the vinegar kills bacteria on contact. Drinking a cup of warm water mixed with thirty drops of Echinacea every two hours or ginger pieces boiled in water and sipped slowly will also have soothing effects. Licorice tea will also help clear up the mucous, helping to ease your sore throat. In general, cool drinks or Popsicles can also help with your pain.

Another remedy is to suck on throat lozenges. Lozenges medicated with phenol will kill surface germs until your system has built itself up again. Phenol is also contained in throat sprays, but the duration of contact is brief, so the lozenges work better in the end. Zinc lozenges are also good to use and will relieve other cold symptoms as well.

You can always use garlic, the best natural antibiotic and antiseptic. Garlic oil capsules taken six times a day is the recommended dosage for a sore throat. Vitamin C will also help fight germs. And aspirin, which is an anti-inflammatory, will help with the pain and inflammation. Remember also to increase your fluid intake and open your nose using saline nasal drops.

If you develop severe difficulty swallowing, develop a fever, have swollen lymph glands, puss in your throat, or a red rash, you should go the medical route and call your doctor immediately. You may have a bacterial infection, which may require antibiotics.

About the Author: Remedy Articles at Learn how to operate a Successful Adsense Website Network at Matthew Hick has been designing profitable Niche Adsense Websites for over 5 years.


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Lower Your Cholesterol Levels, Naturally - Sharon Hopkins

Cholesterol is a fatty substance present in the human body, 80% of which is manufactured by the liver. The other 20% comes from your diet such as meat, eggs and dairy products. We have always considered cholesterol to be bad. But that is not the case; there are two types of cholesterol, good cholesterol - HDL (High-density lipoproteins) and bad cholesterol - LDL (Low-density lipoproteins). High levels of LDL cholesterol present in the body enter the inner walls of the arteries and harden it, leading to coronary artery disease. Similarly, high levels of HDL cholesterol minimize the harmful effects of LDL cholesterol. Some measurements you can keep in mind to maintain healthy LDL cholesterol level.

Less than 100 mg/dL would be optimal 100 to 129 mg/dL is near optimal/ above optimal 130 to 159 mg/dL is borderline high 160 to 189 mg/dL is considered high 190 mg/dL and above is very high.

Regular check up or screening of your cholesterol level is very important. It is recommended for men and women of 20 years or above to get the test done every five years. This kind of screening helps to keep your health in check. It also helps if the patient has a family history of diseases like diabetes, obesity or cardiovascular disease.

Tips to remember

Do your exercises regularly to keep your heart healthy. It also helps in burning out the excess fat you have been carrying around.

Avoid trans fatty acids like French fries, cookies, cakes and many other fried fast foods.
Consume fewer carbohydrates by avoiding sugar, flour, potatoes and white rice. Avoid food which contains too much cholesterol like egg yolk, liver, kidney, brain etc. Stop smoking, it increases HDL levels by seven points.

Natural Ways to Increase HDL

Red wine consumed in reasonable quantity gives a positive result. It contains antioxidants such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Pinot Noir that slows down oxidation of HDL and LDL cholesterol. By drinking wine HDL level does not shoot up, but it contains higher level of various types of blood fats, thus making it useful for the body.

Drinking orange juice every day increases HDL level by nearly 21%. This is possible due to the presence of flavonoids.

Kidney and red beans are another source to increase HDL level. They contain low-glycemic carbohydrates which do not require insulin spikes during digestion.

Eating fish several times a week is very useful in increasing HDL level as it contains omega-3 fatty acids. Fishes like sardine, salmon, sea bass, herring and many more are some of the sources of good cholesterol. If you do not like fish, you can have fish oil supplements.

Olive oil contains the highest number of mono-saturated fats. Having 1-2 teaspoons in your daily diet would help you tremendously.

Oat bran lowers LDL and increases HDL. Studies have shown that two ounces of oat bran per day helps in reducing 16% LDL and 15% increase in HDL.

Half raw onion per day increases HDL level by 30%.

Soy products increase HDL level thereby decreasing LDL.

Soluble fiber found in fruits like apples, grapes and citrus fruits are useful in increasing HDL level.

Guggul lipid a native herb used mainly for Ayurvedic medicine also helps in maintaining healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Green tea lowers LDL levels by increasing HDL levels.

Eat more fiber and include raw garlic in your diet, these are very useful in lowering cholesterol levels.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

About The Author

Sharon Hopkins handles many websites relating to natural home remedies such as, which has lot of information on home based natural cures and remedies. Cholesterol levels can be lowered with the help of natural herbs and fruits.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Why And How You Can Increase Your Energy Levels By Getting Rid Of Toxins - Sandra Kim Leong

Do you find yourself tired all the time even though you have adequate sleep and rest? Natural health experts say that living in a highly polluted environment and unhealthy eating habits and meals have direct consequences on our energy levels. The only solution to this problem is to increase your energy levels by getting rid of toxins.

The air we breathe contain toxic particles, which are emitted by industrial units, automobiles and by many other sources. The foods that we eat contain varying amounts of pesticide and several other harmful elements. The water we drink too is contaminated with several harmful chemicals which are damaging to our body. The amount of toxins in our environment increases at an alarming rate. This has several direct and indirect consequences on the human body.

Many of us have symptoms of fatigue, allergies, skin disorders, ingestion and many other health problems. We also suffer from lack of concentration and a poor memory.

Usually, toxins should be handled well by our bodies as our organs such as the skin, lungs, kidneys, colon and GI tract are all designed to help eliminate them. However, due to an over accumulation of toxins, the organs are not able to perform optimally.

When we have low energy levels, it affects not only our personal lives but our office lives. Researches have already concluded the fact that most of the problems that affect a person are directly associated with the person’s toxin levels. The medicines that are often prescribed in such situations only try to alleviate the symptoms. To increase your energy levels, you need to get rid of the toxins that are accumulating in your body.

There are several methods to detoxify your body. Using herbs is just one example. The methods used to detoxify the body do not directly act on the toxins. But it aids and strengthens the organs (liver, colon, kidneys, lungs, blood and skin) which are natural detoxification agents of the body. A good maintenance of these organs is essential for high energy levels.

Most of the detoxification programs usually act on a particular organ of the body. That is, each organ of the body has a special detoxification program. However, to increase your energy levels by getting rid of the toxins, you need to effectively combine the several detoxification programs into a complete health program. Examples of popular detoxification methods used to improve energy levels include fasting, detoxification diets, herbal detoxification, detoxification baths, skin cleansing, use of antioxidants, use of enzymes and colon cleansing.

Sandra Kim Leong owns the resource-rich site on detox cleansing. She strongly believes that detoxification should form part of one's regular health regime. Her site includes information on colon cleansing, kidney cleansing, detox diets, mercury detoxification, etc. For free articles and tips, please visit

Article Source:

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Blue Cohosh - A Native American Herb To Ease Childbirth - Mary Welty

Caulophyllum Thalictroides

Common Names: Beechdrops, blueberry, blue ginseng, papoose root, squaw root, yellow ginseng.

Medicinal Part: Rootstock

Description: Blue cohosh is a perennial plant found in eastern North America, near running streams, around swamps and in other moist places. The fruit is a pea-sized, dark blue berry borne on a fleshy stock.

Properties and Uses: Anthelmintic, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, oxytocic. Blue cochosh is used to regulate menstrual flow, particularly for suppressed menstruation. The Indians used it to induce labor, also for children’s colic and for cramps. Normally, it should be given in combination with other herbs indicated for the condition involved. Blue cohosh can be very irritating to mucous surfaces and can cause dermatitis on contact. Children have been poisoned by the berries.

Preparation and Dosage: Blue Cohosh should be used with medical supervision![1]

My midwife introduced me to blue cohosh during my first pregnancy. Traditionally, blue cohosh was used by Native Americans to induce labor. They would drink the tea for several weeks before childbirth to make the birth process swift and easy. North American doctors in the Electic or Physiomedical herbal tradition used blue cohosh to counter restlessness and pain during pregnancy and to reduce labor pains.[2] When used in conjunction with black cohosh, this herb tends to increase mild uterine contractions similar to Braxton-Hicks contractions, strengthening the uterine muscles in preparation for birth. However, due to the increased contractions, it should not be used until the ninth month of pregnancy.

For women who suffer from irregular menstrual cycles, or those preparing for pregnancy, blue cohosh can be a valuable tool. Certain properties of blue cohosh have been shown to increase blood flow to the uterus and to reduce muscle spams, which can provide welcome relief to those sufferers of severe menstrual cramps and even for those who suffer from arthritis.

"Blue cohosh contains several important minerals, including potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, silicon and phosphorus. An active ingredient has been isolated from the herb called caulosaponin, a chemical that has been shown to increase blood flow to the uterus and reduce uterine contractions. Blue cohosh has been shown to be an emmenagogue, which means it helps to bring about menstruation, and to be an anti-spasmodic, or a substance which reduces muscle spasms.

General use

Blue cohosh is recommended as a general tonic for gynecological problems, specifically for the uterus. Blue cohosh is used for menstrual problems, such as amenorrhea (absence of menstrual cycles) and dysmenorrhea (irregularity of menstrual cycles), and to reduce the pain of menstrual cramps. During pregnancy, it can be used when there is a threat of miscarriage, and to reduce false labor pains. Used just before childbirth, it is reputed to ease pain and facilitate the birthing process. Blue cohosh's anti-spasmodic properties enable it to be used in some cases of asthma, colic, and nervous coughs. Blue cohosh is also used to reduce pain in some cases of rheumatoid arthritis" .[3]

Blue Cohosh can also be used in conjunction with black cohosh and pennyroyal as an herbal abortion, but herbal abortions inherently carry many side effects and risks. The first thing to consider is that many herbal abortions are only marginally effective. For women attempting an herbal abortion, very few actually succeed.

When you attempt to terminate a pregnancy through the use of herbs, you are in essence poisoning yourself. In these cases, what women are doing is creating such high toxicity that their own body is unable to sustain the pregnancy. If an herbal abortion is to work, it is in essence working because it is poisoning the mother.

Another facet to consider with an herbal abortion is the real possibility of what you will do if it fails. The herbs you have taken (most specifically pennyroyal) will have undoubtedly affected the developing fetus. And very serious consideration must be given to a developing fetus that has been subjected to these toxins. Will you then carry the pregnancy to term despite the possible damage caused by these herbs, or seek a medical termination of the pregnancy?

I did find an excellent website that provides an in depth discussion of the use of blue cohosh as an herbal abortion, including dosage recommendations. For more information on this particular use of blue cohosh, I strongly suggest you check them out at: SisterZeus.Com.


[1] The Herb Book, by John Lust, Benedict Lust Publications, 1974

[2] The New Age Herbalist, Richard Mabey with Michael McIntyre, Pamela Michael, Gail Duff, John Stevens, Collier Books, Copyright 1988 by Gaia Books Ltd., London.

[3] Blue Cohosh, Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, by Douglas Dupler

MK Welty hosts an informational website for herb enthusiasts at: Join us for regular discussions of herbs, their history, properties and uses.

Article Source:

Friday, November 03, 2006

Herbal Remedies For Eczema - Evelyn Lim

Natural health experts recommend the use of herbs to help boost your immune system against infections and diseases, such as eczema. Specifically, herbal remedies for eczema enhances the function of your liver. It is said that a malfunction of the liver has an impact on skin disorders. In addition, most people suffering from eczema have weaker general immunity and are more likely to develop warts, herpes, and other viral problems.

Herbal remedies for eczema can come from all over the world. Burdock root and the Chinese herb, bupleurum, both cause improvement in your skin. The liver herb, Milk Thistle, is a great help with eczema and liver related problems. Gotu Kola, the Indian plant, usually applied as a salve on cracked or broken skin is also a good healer. The Rudolf Stiftung Hospital in Vienna, Austria uses these herbs as injections and salve to hasten the healing process. Pau D'arco, called the “immunity-enhancing herb”, comes from the bark of a tree in South America. From southern Europe, India and China, licorice roots are also used for eczema relief. Licorice roots help to bring down swelling, cure allergy symptoms, and improve liver function.

Gamma Liolenic Acid (GLA) is very effective at controlling eczema symptoms. Primrose oil, chamomile, and licorice root all contain GLA. GLA is a fatty acid essential to proper body function. The average daily dose of primrose oil is 2-4 grams and should never be taken on an empty stomach. It can take as much as six months or even more for the results of primrose oil to show up; so it is important to be patient. Across Europe, primrose oil is the preferred way to help with eczema and related problems with skin.

Some other herbs, such as “skin and lymph cleansing herbs” may also be of interest because these help clear whatever rashes might have developed and they also help to clear the skin of impurities. A few of these cleansing herbs are burdock, cleavers, nettle, red clover, and yellow dock. In fact, the yellow dock is known as the best option for those who are suffering from eczema.

Here is a recipe for tea based on some herbs that can be cleansing to the system. These herbs can be purchased at any health food store close to you or the alternative health food section at your grocery store. To make this tea: take one part burdock root, one part red clover, one part yellow dock, and mix all them together very well. When the mixture is ready take one teaspoon and add it to one cup of warm or hot water. Stir and enjoy a cup of herbal cleansing tea for eczema.

As can be seen, there are many herbal remedies for eczema. Ask your local qualified herbalist for some recommendations for usage and application. As a precautionary measure, let him or know if you are on any other kinds of medication.

Evelyn Lim reviews natural eczema treatment products and therapies on her blog. She has been suffering from eczema for more than 30 years. Read about her journey to getting beautiful skin here at

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Thursday, November 02, 2006

How Alternative Medicine Fits Into Today's Society - Ken Snow

Think you don't know what alternative medicine is? It's more common than you think, and now has a firm place in the world today. Certain therapies not formerly thought of as legitimate medical treatments are now being used on a more frequent basis to treat a variety of ailments, quite often with endorsement from the medical community. Some of the more common types of alternative medicine treatments include:

* Massage therapy

* Aromatherapy

* Hydrotherapy

* Acupuncture

* Herbal Remedies

* Meditation

* Spiritual therapy

More than likely, you are familiar with many of these treatments; maybe you have even experienced a few yourself. Many of these treatments are not only used to treat many common health problems, but are used by people all over the world in order to achieve total well-being.

For thousands of years, the treatments deemed alternative today were standard practice. And now, people seem to be turning to these optional therapies when they are in a health crisis, or if they feel they have nowhere else to turn.

There are factions of people throughout the world who prefer to take advantage of the natural effects that alternative medicines and therapies offer, rather than depend on synthetic drugs to cure or prevent ailments. Herbal medication have the benefit of being completely organic, or from the earth, and often provide equivalent remedies to prescription drugs.

Alternative medicines and treatments have become part of the fabric of our society today. While many of these therapies are meant to be used as a treatment for a health problem, some are used by people as simply a method of relaxation or reward. Chief among them is massage therapy. Massage has become incorporated into the routines of many individuals in today's society as a means of stress reduction, rather than pain relief.

Meditation is another form of alternative medicine that has become an integral part of many lives in today's society. With its roots steeped in ancient spiritual history, meditation acts like massage in that it provides a release for stress and anxiety. In order to perform mediation correctly, though, you should learn as much as you can about it first. Many people enjoy this type of alternative therapy a great deal because of the personal control they have when performing it. Many individuals in today's society highly recommend meditation as a type of alternative medicine.

The stresses of today's society have led some to cry out for change. Many find solace and healing in alternative medicine treatments. The natural treatments and calming effects of many of them are exactly what many people have been searching for in order to reduce their stress. The average person is forced to deal with a large amount of stress on a daily basis. Alternative medicine and treatments bring relief to the stresses and anxiety that people of today's society feel weighed down by.

In today's society, we see a great deal of stress, anxiety, and illnesses. Alternative medicine provides a viable option to traditional medicine that aids people in the maintenance of their well-being in their busy lives. Massage therapy and meditation are two common treatments that people can turn to, that can also have a positive effect on today's society as a whole. As we move forward in society, you will continue to see a shift towards more acceptance of alternative medicine and therapy.

To learn more about alternative medicine and treatments visit

Article Source: DW Articles

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Natural Healing Remedy - KG Stiles

A sacred and gentle healing oil used for tissue repair and healing. Traditionally the finest quality Helichrysum for therapeutic use has been grown and distilled in Corsica!

Its highly regenerative nature is both warm and fragrant with a slight honey-like fragrance.

Helichrysum is one of the strongest essential oils for relieving inflammation.

Helichrysum's ability to prevent swelling and inflammation and to accelerate the formation of new tissue is legendary.

Generally Helichrysum will work for all conditions in which inflamed tissues need to be calmed down and regenerated.

It is especially beneficial for the skin! Apply Helichrysum on injured or badly bruised tissue after an accident or injury for immediate relief.

Helichrysum's regenerative powers have been used with phenomenal success for both old and new scars that have resulted from injury or surgery.

Helichrysum functions by way of being reabsorbed through your blood into the tissue where it actively removes cellular debris in areas of bruising, resulting in less pressure on your nerves with subsequent relief of pain.

Through enhancing circulation (blood, lymph & nerve) Helichrysum acts to help mend broken bones and supports the formation of healthy skin tissue.

Helichrysum promotes healing at all levels - body, mind, spirit and emotions.

I've had consistently good results blending Helichrysum with Vetiver to relieve heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat and panic attacks.

There are reports that Helichrysum may help reduce hypertension.

Helichrysum enhances any essential oils blend for chronic pain relief, including Fibromyalgia and arthritis.

Helichrysum is a very supportive and comforting oil and enhances spiritual and personal growth.
Try Helichrysum in a meditation blend or when emotionally feeling upset!

Helichrysum may be helpful for resolving old emotional scars that retain active memory loops held deeply within the nervous system and subconscious mind, promoting the release of old coping strategies and unresourceful states of mind.

Helichrysum has been used alone or in a blend with other essential oils in treating and relieving the following conditions:

Allergic skin reactions, Bruises, Burns, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Cuts, Hematoma, Hemorrhoids, Scars,
Stretch marks, Tendinitis and Wounds.

BLEND WITH: Atlas and Himalayan Cedarwood, Chamomile (rash, hemorrhoids), Petitgrain, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender (burns, scars), Myrrh, Neroli, Patchouli, Rose (old scars, adhesions), Sandalwood, Spikenard, Vetiver (rapid heart, panic)

According to Ayurvedic Medicine, an ancient system of healing practiced in India, sweet aromas like Helichrysum are used to regulate and pacify both Vata and Pitta imbalances. Symptoms of Vata imbalance are premenstrual syndrome, constipation, insomnia, restlessness, nervousness and anxiety or worry. Symptoms of Pitta imbalance include feelings of frustration and anger, tendency to emotional upset and over reaction, high blood pressure and an inability to relax and go with the flow.

PLEASE NOTE: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results purchase the highest quality oils you can possibly find. Use certified organic essential oils, or oils that have been tested and are pesticide free.

Aromatherapy is a gentle and noninvasive complementary health care system used for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind, spirit and emotions to enhance your health. Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being and can produce satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your physician regarding serious health concerns and do not attempt to self diagnose.

KG Stiles is a certified aromatherapist practicing in Ashland, OR USA. PurePlant Essentials is her line of pure organic essential oils. Remedies & Gift Sets with Helichrysum KG recommends: Click to order BODYEASE Click to learn about & order ESSENTIAL OILS COMPLETE GIFT SET Click to order HELICHRYSUM More Info? Contact: KG Stiles at Springhill Wellness Center, 2520 Springhill Drive Ashland, OR USA (541) 941-7315 Mahalo!

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