Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Noni Juice – A Natural Nutritional Supplement - By Cassie Kale
One of the latest phenomenon’s in nutritional supplements is the Noni Fruit. Noni is A unique tropical fruit, which is generally taken as a drink (Noni Fruit Juice) to enhance your overall good health plan. Many factors can influence the finally product of Noni Fruit. The more you know about Noni Fruit, where in which it is grown, how in which it is harvested and processed, the more likely you will achieve your desired results. There are acres broad of differences into the type of Noni products available on the market for you to try. It’s best for your health to make an informed decision.
As in the legends of Polynesia a story is found that men involved into medicine were hunting for plants that would have properties of relieving or curing diseases and keeping the best health. Noni Juice (Morinda Citrifolia) which was amongst the discoveries along with other plants. The Tahitian Noni fruit has blessed generations of people throughout the region where it has grown. In order to get a ton of Noni Fruit's nutrients; it must harvested in a very specific way.
Noni's nutritional value is best when picked ripe, which results into the highest level of polysaccharides, fatty acids, and protein compounds possibly responsible for the therapeutic biological activity of the fruit. The processing of Noni Fruit can be done through Juice only Method, the Puree method, Tablets and Capsules method and the Powdered Juice Method, each of which have their pros and cons.
As mentioned into the beginning of this health article, since there acres broad differences on how Noni fruit juice is picked, the more you know the more better decision you can make in order to reach your desired Noni Fruit product for a new health plan that will give you your desired affects.
About the Author: Cassie Cale: For more information about Noni Juice and Noni Benefits visit us on our website today where you will find more articles and research to help you figure out if Noni Fruit Juice is for you or click the link on the right for more info.
Source: www.isnare.com
Monday, October 30, 2006
Herbal Medicine - An Ancient Healing Art Still Relevant Today - Danny Siegenthaler
Herbal medicine is arguably the oldest form of medicine and has been used by man for millennia.
Herbal medicine is the use of plant materials to enhance well being and treat disease. Today, people all over the world are still using herbal remedies, which have been past down through the generations, which increasingly, scientific research is validating.
Herbs are used as medicines for both man and beast, they are used to flavour food, enhance taste and are common ingredients in natural skin care products, soaps, potpourris, ointments, food and many other areas of human life. They have even found their way into remedies for our pets and livestock.
Up until about 200 years ago, before western medicine was conceived of, herbal remedies where the only medicine available to man for treatment of illnesses and diseases. The Chinese and Egyptians developed traditional systems of medicine (Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine, respectively) which incorporate a systematic approach to the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
Since the early 19th century, methods of chemical analysis became more sophisticated and chemists began making their own synthetic versions of the ingredients originally found in herbs, beginning the transition from raw herbs to synthetic pharmaceuticals.
Today, pharmaceutical companies are still heavily researching herbs/plants for ‘new medicines’ that may prove useful in treating many of today’s diseases, for which orthodox medicine has little or no answers.
Since the advent of drug manufacture, users of pharmaceutical drugs have increasingly experienced more and more side-effects as well as resistance to these modified forms of medications.
This begs the question, why try to fix something, when it’s not broken? Herbal medicine is working as well today as it has for hundreds of years and with respect to side-effects, herbal medicine causes far fewer adverse reactions and related health problems than their synthetic counterparts. In addition, herbal medicines are more easily tolerated because the constituents are not of a synthetic type, which are known to have potential long term, and sometimes irreversible side effects.
This is not to say that taking any old herb is safe, far from it. Herbal medicines need to be treated with great respect and due diligence, as they too can cause harm if not used appropriately. However, herbal medicines in general do not pose the same risks of side-effects or adverse reactions as their synthetic counterparts. The human metabolism is designed to metabolise naturally occurring substances, and is not always able to metabolise synthetic drugs fully, potentially causing a myriad of health problems and occasionally deadly side-effects.
Choosing a good, qualified medical herbalist can present a challenge, as this profession is not well regulated in many countries. It is important therefore to make sure that the herbalist you seek is a member of a professional association. In Australia there are several associations such as ANTA, ATMS, and others. Europe, Canada and the US also have professional associations that will be able to help in finding a qualified, reputable medical herbalist.
It is important to take time and care in choosing the right herbalist - your health and wellbeing depends on it.
Danny Siegenthaler is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and together with his wife Susan, a medical herbalist and Aromatherapist, they have created Natural Skin Care Products by Wildcrafted Herbal Products to share their 40 years of combined expertise with you.
Join our Natural Skin Care Newsletter – it’s fun, free and Informative and you receive a free eBook on natural skin care.
© Wildcrafted Herbal Products 2006
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Danny_Siegenthaler
Saturday, October 28, 2006
The Wonders Of Aromatherapy Healing Oils - Joe Okoro
In the Aromatherapy product line, a lot of oils perform wonders in the health line. There are many uses that Aromatherapy products can be put to. They include healing oils, decors, perfumes and so on. It is a known fact that these products have been serving for thousands of years and being used by people from across the globe. The main function of this product is its ability to sooth the body and mind.
Egypt is one country that uses Aromatherapy oils for medicine and massaging services. While some other people from different lands use it as embalment oil for the deceased. Though the scientist and doctors officially do not recommend Aromatherapy to anyone, but it has gained serious awareness over time as new discoveries are made of its use and healing abilities. It has been found that each type of Aromatherapy oil has its own particular ailment that it cures. Hence there is strong, medium or mild scents for varying medical situations. Other forms can work better when blended with other oils to improve healing conditions.
Though aromatherapy is not scientifically approved and recommended, the fact is Aromatherapy is alternative medicine that works. The fact that it is not approved have not hindered its popularity in any way. This is because it works. And when i say it works, it actually does. Now there is a classification that comes with some oils as i have earlier mentioned; strong, mild, and medium oils. The strong oils are used for severe cases of illness. The medium and mild oils take care of minor symptoms such as burn-outs, stress, and emotional upsets. Hence the specification of Aromatherapy is just the healing of emotional and mental disturbances and sickness for the proper functioning of the body.
Are you searching for oils for a particular emotional problem? Is it romantic spark up oil? An oil to relax your mind? An oil to sedate you and make you forget your present worries? Then you need proper knowledge of the available Aromatherapy products. This will help you to make a good selection and also protect you from laying your hands on substitutes that are disguised as Aromatherapy products.
One of the Aromatherapy oils you can get in mild or medium form is Cumin Essential Oils. Cumin Essential Oils has its root in Egypt and it is processed from steam distillation. It can be blended with the following aromatherapy products; Oriental Flavors, Caraway oils, Angelica Root, Lavender, and Chamomile. Cumin Essential Oils function as antiseptics, anti-spasmodic, antitoxic, and anti-oxidants. Consequently, this oils cure headaches, indigestion, steoarthritis symptoms, muscular pain, migraines and so on.
There are a lot of similar Aromatherapy oils like Cumin Essential Oils. These can all be found online when you research them. Examples include Cypress French oils, Cinnamon Bark and Leaf, Citronella and Java Citronella, Cypress Australian Blue, Copaiba Balsam, Clary Sage, and so on.
Joe Okoro writes about Aromatherapy in his free reports. You can sign up for his courses and get additional information by visiting: www.coolcashjackpot.com/aromatherapyform.htm
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Okoro
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Natural Home Remedies for Acne, Arthritis, Backache, Obesity, Stress and Many Ailments - by Dr John Anne
Fed up from the side effects of the drugs, people are now shifting towards alternative therapies for the cure and treatment of common problems. Home remedies are one of the alternative methods that have been proven inexpensive and can be easily made at home without many efforts. Since ages our ancestors were using these home remedies for the treatment of diseases but the latest inventions and discoveries in the field of medicines darkened the benefits of these home made treatments. In the recent times the people have again shifted towards these home remedies.
Home remedies for some of the most common diseases and problems are:
Application of cucumber leaves or grated pieces of cucumber to the affected areas.
Paste of fenugreek leaves applied overnight on the affected area and washed off next morning is also effective.
Mix one tablespoon of besan flour and one teaspoon of lemon juice till a smooth paste is formed. Apply on neck and face and wash off when it gets dry.
Drink a glass of cold milk to get quick relief from acidity.
Drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of baking soda for immediate relief.
Chewing bubble gum will also provide relief from acidity in few minutes.
With an empty stomach take 3-4 walnuts (akhrot) or 1 fresh coconut.
Spread warm mustard oil on a madar leaf and apply to the affected area for a few hours .
Drink some radish juice with sugar added to it.
Drink a cup of black coffee, the warmth will break up the flem and the caffeine will help to remove tightness from the chest and throat.
Add 30-40 leaves of tulsi in one liter of water, strain the leaves and drink the water throughout the day.
Eat 2-3 apples daily without peeling to increase the iron stores in the body.
Intake of beet juice is highly beneficial for the anemic person’s.
Drink some hot milk or water with powdered sonth, meetha soda, and salt.
Massage the back with turpentine oil.
For temporary and quick relief heat can be applied at the back with hot water bottle.
Common cold
Drink a cup of water with a few drops of garlic oil and a teaspoonful of onion juice.
Rub the chest and throat with camphor water or oil.
Drink honey and lemon juice in hot water to get relief from sore throat.
Drink a tablespoon of corn syrup in a cup of water.
Drink a glass of prune juice to facilitate bowel movement.
Drinking a cup of coffee will also provide relief from constipation.
Mix one teaspoon of camphor and one teaspoon of sandalwood to form a paste and apply on the affected e areas.
Drinking Aloe Vera juice will help cleanse the system.
Hair loss
Wash hair with peppermint or spearmint tea to prevent hair loss and to promote hair growth .
Wash hair with white vinegar periodically to prevent falling of hair.
High blood pressure
Mix half onion juice and half honey. Take 2 tablespoons once a day for 1-2 weeks.
Eat two cloves of garlic every early morning.
Eat one Papaya on an empty stomach daily for a month.
High blood cholesterol
Drinking onion juice daily for a week will lower the blood cholesterol.
Eat a few garlic cloves every day to reduce blood cholesterol.
Drink aloe vera juice, papaya juice, or chamomile, comfrey, red raspberry, or peppermint tea.
Drinking a glass of water with a tablespoon of baking soda will provide immediate relief.
Eat 10 fresh curry leaves in the early morning for three or four months.
Drink a cup of water with 3 teaspoons limejuice, one-fourth teaspoon powdered black pepper, and a teaspoon of honey every day for three months.
Eat freshly sliced tomatoes with onion and lemon juice.
Drink lemon juice with honey and warm water every morning.
Sore throat
Gargle every hour with vinegar water or salt water.
Drink hot milk with honey at bedtime for immediate relief from sore throat.
A teaspoon of honey will provide relief from sore throat.
Chewing 12 tulsi leaves twice a day, morning and evening is the highly beneficial treatment of stress.
Various seeds such as alfalfa, sunflower and pumpkin are highly beneficial in the treatment of stress.
The use of these home remedies is highly effective and causes no side effects on one’s physical body.
Visit http://www.ayurvediccure.com/ for Natural Home Remedies for Various Ailments, Diet, Lifestyle, Causes and Symptoms and Natural Herbal Remedies and Treatment by HerbsCheckout Home Remedies at http://www.ayurvediccure.com/homeremedies.comNatural Herbal Supplements at http://www.ayurvediccure.com/products.htm
Article source: www.anyarticles.com
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
What are the Best Natural Cures for Acid Reflux - By Groshan Fabiola
Acid reflux is quite a serious condition that must not be overlooked. Many people experience heartburn from time to time, but those suffering from acid reflux feel it a few times a week, and eventually the esophagus can get too erroded and stomachal acids can leak into the lungs and into the mouth.
Many things can cause acid reflux, from drinking too much alcohol and eating too many acidic foods to too much stress.
Acid reflux can be treated with medication prescribed by the doctor or with natural remedies. Since medication can have side-effects many people prefer the natural cures for acid reflux. But if both natural cures and prescribed medication fails to give any results then surgery is required before acid seriously damages the esophagus.
The first symptoms of acid reflux are a sensation of heartburn that keeps appearing more and more often and stomach content coming back inside the mouth. These symptoms get worse when you lie down right after eating a meal.
There are a lot of natural cures for acid reflux, and many have reported that these natural cures gave good results in the treatment.
You shouldn't lie down right after eating a meal, because this can help what's inside the stomach leak back. You should also elevate the side of the bed where you put your head. Digestion is usually done in 2-3 hours, so you can lie in bed all you want after this time passes. It's also better to eat more small meals instead of few beg ones, to keep the stomach from filling.
Then you should avoid certain types of foods that stimulate acid production, like chewing gum and chocolate. Cut down alcohol and smoking because these irritate the esophagus' walls even more.
Some natural substances are recommended in the heartburn and acid reflux condition. These can relieve the symptoms and reduce the pain. They do not have any side-effect. The most effective are :
-peppermint - makes digestion easier and prevents tension and cramps that can push the acids backwards
-lavender - this miraculous herb does wonders for the body. In the acid reflux' case it can reduce the quantity of gastric acids from the stomach, just like an antiacid medicine
-aloe vera - the juice from this plant can heal the damaged esophagus
In order to heal your acid reflux you need to do two things: to cure the damaged esophagus and to lower the quantity of acid inside the stomach. If you loose weight, exercise regularly lift you bed as mentioned before, and also take some herbs you will certainly feel some effects, and everyone can do these things.
http://www.acid-reflux-info-guide.com is one of the best acid reflux information sites on the net. Visit it if you are looking for great information on natural cures for acid reflux, acid reflux diet, acid reflux treatment and many more.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Groshan_Fabiola
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Cures And Remedies By Basil Leaf - by Kevin Pederson
Basil is an important herb known the world over more for its culinary uses but the herb offers a plethora of medical benefits. Basil has many health benefits that cover a wide spectrum of uses. Known to have originated in India, its widely found in India, Pakistan and Thailand.
Basil makes a great kitchen plant, as its uses are two-fold, for cooking as well as to cure a variety of ailments. An attractive plant, it looks and works well in a vegetable patch, herb or flower garden. A versatile herb, basil is used extensively in Thai, Italian and Vietnamese cuisine for its warm, gentle and unique flavor and fragrance. They taste and smell best when it’s freshly cut and used immediately. Tear the leaf into pieces with your hand instead of chopping as this helps retain the flavor longer.
Basil does not retain its flavor well when dried or frozen; hence use it as soon as you pluck it from the plant. Medically it is useful to provide relief to sore gums, swish out the mouth often with strong basil tea. A basil leaf tucked into the mouth over the ulcer and kept there eases the pain. Basil leaf has many uses in aromatherapy. It is refreshing when used in a bath.
A potpourri of dried basil leaves and flowers can be used to create a fragrant atmosphere in the house or office. It is a natural pesticide, burn sprigs of basil to drive away mosquitoes. A potted basil plant in the kitchen windowsill will deter flies. Basil has been used as a tonic to aid digestion, steep in water or boil in water while preparing tea. Basil oil is known to relieve mental fatigue; it is widely used in aromatherapy.
Types of Basil Bush Basil Also known as Sweet or Common Basil, it is native to the tropical countries such as India and Africa. Basil has significant religious importance in India and is an essential part of many religious rituals. Lemon Basil Bushy in appearance and grows to about two feet tall, it has a strong lemony fragrance.
Camphor Basil an annual shrub, it grows to about 5 feet in height. The leaves have a camphor-scented fragrance and can be used to protect woolens. Camphor basil can be used in tea to combat stomachaches. Tree Basil With fuzzy, lime-green leaves, tree basil is an excellent remedy for colds, and fevers.
Its thymol content makes it useful to treat wounds, relieve sore throats and even conjunctivitis. Holy Basil, an annual shrub with spicy clove-like scented leaves reaches the two feet in height. It is the sacred basil of the Hindus, who use it both for cooking and medicines.
Traditional medical uses of Basil Apart from being a general tonic and vitalizer, basil has since ages been employed in hundreds of different formulations for the treatment of a range of ailments. Some of which are mouth and throat disorders, lungs, heart, blood, liver, kidney and the digestive, metabolic, reproductive and nervous systems. It has been frequently used to treat coughs, colds, flu, head and earaches, rheumatism and arthritis, malaria, fever, allergies and various skin diseases.
It was used in reducing the toxicity of various poisons, including insect and reptile bites, to expel intestinal parasites, repel insects and purify the air. Modern research on this wonder herb has revealed many of its less known qualities. Basil protects against and reduces stress; enhance stamina and endurance. It helps increase the body's efficient use of oxygen; boost the immune system; reduce inflammation; protect against radiation damage, stems rapid ageing, supports the heart, lungs and liver; has antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal properties; enhances the efficacy of many other therapeutic treatments; and provides a rich supply of antioxidants and other nutrients.
Summarizing the benefits of basil, it has been found that it is a premier adaptogen, helping the body and mind adapt and cope with a wide range of physical, emotional, chemical and infectious stresses and trauma. It helps restore disturbed physiological and psychological functions to a normal healthy state. These general vitality enhancing properties, coupled with the therapeutic actions make Basil the wonder herb that it really is.
Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on home based natural cures and remedies by consumption of basil leaves.
Article source: http://www.anyarticles.com/
Monday, October 23, 2006
Hydrotherapy - By Douglas
Hydrotherapy – water therapy – is the use of water to promote healing. It is one of the oldest, simplest, and most effective of all the natural therapies. Water treatments include taking natural spring waters internally for their beneficial mineral content, and external treatments such as bathing, douches, and taking exercise in water.
Water cures originated in the use of natural spring water, often minerally rich, and sometimes also naturally warm to hot or very cold, and spas or watering places where people went to “take the cure” became popular all over Europe from the early 19th century. Many European spas were established during the time of the Roman occupation and are still in use. However, ordinary water is also used in hydrotherapy today. Water of either extreme of temperature is used, or can be used alternately. Hot water first stimulates and then relaxes, while cold water invigorates. Alternating hot and cold water stimulates blood and lymph circulation, relieves congestion, and tones tissues.
Through a variety of techniques, naturopaths use the therapy to improve circulation, stimulate the vital force, ease pain, reduce fever, relax the nervous system, and empty the bowels. Water therapy also contributes to encouraging the efficient elimination of wastes through the skin.
Douglas Adams is the owner of All Wellbeing.com , a website dedicated to increasing knowledge of health related issues.
For high quality health care products click here.
Article Source: ArticlesOn.com
Sunday, October 22, 2006
The Secrets To Hair Loss Cure Revealed - By Ron Shelf
Today I will tell you about an alternative way to treat hair loss.
There are many different products on the market that should do the job but yet there are so many other natural ways that do the same. Who wants to use chemicals while you can make your own remedy safely at home. Some might work for you and some might not but that is up to you to try it and decide.
So hair loss what is it really and why do we suffer from it?!
Hair loss, also known as baldness refers to excessive hair loss from scalp and can be the result of heredity, certain medications or an underlying medical condition.
It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of a cycle of growing new hairs and loosing some.
However, some people may experience excessive hair loss which might cause baldness. Hair loss of this type can affect men, women and children.
So now that we know what it is, we need to know how to deal with it. For that I added a few natural remedies you can try:
1. Yemeni med: Soak fenugreek (Hilba) in deep pot of water throughout the night. Massage the liquid into the scalp and wrap with a cloth for 3 hours. Repeat everyday for 1 month.
2. Massage the scalp with uncooked egg yolk, leave for 1 hour and wash.
3. Smear Red Henna on the scalp and wait for 1 hour, then wash, Repeat for 10-14 days. Be ware- your hair will turn red from the henna!
4. Smear castor oil on the scalp and the hair roots but not on the hair, wrap the hair with a newspaper, tie with a cloth and leave overnight, wash in the morning. Repeat every 7-10 days (results will come after 6-7 treatments).
5. Boil 1 cup of water, add 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds, cook for 5 minutes, cool and drink.
6. Blanch scented geranium leaves in boiling water, strain, cool and use to wash the hair.
7. Rub olive oil into the scalp to reduce hair loss.
8. Boil rosemary leaves in water, strain and save the liquid in a glass bottle. Use to wash the hair every day. You can also put the rosemary water in a sprayer and spray the hair every morning.
There are many more home remedies for hair loss at the GrannyMed website.
Good luck!
About the Author: Ron Shelf
Natural Home Remedies Advisor
The Free Guide For Home Remedies
Home Remedies For Hair Loss
Source: www.isnare.com
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Why You Should Consider An Herbal Colon Cleanse - Chester Ku-Lea
Colon Cleanse
Colon cleansing uses natural health & herbs to help your body to heal health problems which are often related to a colon which is not functioning as nature intended.
More and more people are suffering from health problems, including pain, constipation and lack of energy which can be related to a dirty bowel.
The most important cleanse to do is colon cleansing, because if you have a dirty colon with impacted fecal matter, this will create extra toxins which the other organs then have to continually cleanse and detox.
The person on a typical Western Diet holds 8 meals of undigested food and waste material in the colon. Everyone would greatly benefit with doing a full Colon Cleanse at least once per year, with ongoing colon maintenance when necessary. It is recommended that Parasite Cleanse be taken at the same time as the Colon Cleanse. For optimum health, our objective should be to cleanse not only the colon, but all of the vital inner organs as well.
One of the most frequent bowel problems that people experience today is constipation. Constipation is generally attributed to a low fiber diet and lack of sufficient water, which cause our fecal matter to become condensed and compressed.
A good cleansing program should always begin by removing the waste in your colon, the last portion of your food processing chain. If you attempt to clean your liver, blood, or lymph system without first addressing a waste filled bowel, the excreted toxins will only get recycled back into your body.
The longer your body is exposed to putrefying food in your intestines, the greater the risk of developing disease. Even with one bowel movement per day, you will still have at least three meals worth of waste matter putrefying in your colon at all times. On top of all this, your system can also become continuously self-polluting by the poisonous gases that are caused by foods you don't tolerate. These poisonous gases can enter your bloodstream, irritating your organs and joints.
Bran and raw vegetables are so rich in fibrous bulk that they cannot get through the tiny holes remaining for passage of feces in most colons. Instead they back up, fester and contribute further to the problem. There is only one good way to clean yourself out and that is by cleansing your colon.
Natural Cleansing Products
Herbal colon cleansing may decrease the risks of developing certain health problems. Many people who are affected by a health condition have found that cleansing can help their body rejuvenate itself naturally. The body's immune system is the first line of defense against almost all infections and diseases. If your body has a strong immune system you will be less prone to infection. The immune system is made up of a vast system of lymphatic channels and lymph nodes. Detoxing your body and your colon with the right herbs and supplements is an all natural way to remove unwanted toxins and heavy metals from lymphatic system improving the overall immune system.
Toxins from air, food and water tend to accumulate in your body over time. Your liver, colon, small intestines, pancreas, kidneys, gallbladder, spleen and lymph nodes work in harmony and in balance to eliminate these toxins.
Cleansing with Fibre
Fibre plays an essential role in maintaining the health of the digestive system, and adequate fibre in the diet has significant value in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and other ailments. Fibre cleanses the digestive tract and enhances its function. Metabolised by intestinal bacteria into substances that prevent colon cancer, fibre dilutes and speeds the removal of carcinogens and other toxins in foods so that they spare the delicate lining of the GI tract. Fibre helps achieve optimal blood sugar control and cholesterol levels by slowing digestion and maximising cholesterol excretion.
Benefits of Colon Cleansing and Liver Detoxification
• colon cleanse and liver detox products increase energy
• colon cleanse and liver detox improves digestion
• colon cleanse and liver detox result in clearer skin complexions
• colon cleanse and liver detox improve circulation
• colon cleanse and liver detox increase mental alertness
• colon cleanse and liver detox support weight maintenance
• colon cleanse and liver detox balance the function of vital cleansing organs
• colon cleanse and liver detox strengthen your immune system
Chester is a health nutrition consultant and is the owner of target="_blank">www.AstroNutrition.com - a provider of premium health nutrition and sports supplements.
Article Source: articlecapital.com
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Organically Yours - Five Reasons To Buy Organic Foods - By Stephen White
You too can make smarter choices in the food you buy. Organically grown foods have been increasing in popularity as people are choosing to live a smarter and healthier lifestyle. Organic farmers around the world are doing their part in preserving the quality of our ecosystem and to improve our health by growing food the way nature intended. Organically grown food gives us a naturally healthy and purely delicious food that is completely free of harmful chemicals and pesticides. Most foods contain a high level of pesticides that can be more harmful that organically grown foods.
1. The Five Reasons
- Organic foods are free of additives and preservatives and therefore taste more delicious and pure.
- Buying organic foods helps to reduce the dependence on all the non-renewable resources.
- The organic food industry promotes healthy farmland and supports those small family owned farms that produce the organic food.
- Growing organic foods help to keep chemicals out of the water supplies and help protect the farmers and other workers from having contact with harmful chemicals and pesticides.
- Organically grown food is exceedingly safe for children because it is free from harmful pesticides.
2. Consider The Organic Alternitive
Next time youre shopping for groceries, think about how buying organically grown food can benefit you and your family. Think about choosing a food that was grown as nature intended, compared to one that had frequently been covered with poisonous pesticides and other chemicals. Would you buy food knowing that it had once been saturated with harmful chemicals? At one point in time, that was something you never would have thought about, but now today in the information age, people are more aware of what they are putting into their bodies. Now people are aware of how food is grown and produced and now people have a choice.
3. Organic Foods List
Some great organically grown foods to buy are apples, grapes (imported), nectarines, pears, peaches, red raspberries, strawberries, bell peppers, celery, potatoes and spinach. There are even many other foods coming to market as organic foods such as eggs, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, milk, juice, bread, soup, meat, nuts, pasta and many baby foods.
4. What Does Organic Mean?
Being organic is referring to the way the agricultural products of fiber and food are processed and grown. The ecological system heavily relies on the rich soil to produce plants strong enough to withstand diseases and other pests. Organic farming means that the use of any chemicals and toxins are prohibited and work only in favor of the earth friendly habits that work with nature. In livestock, preventative measures are taken to keep the animals productive and healthy because the use of antibiotics is forbidden. Genetically modified organisms are also strictly prohibited in the organic production.
5. The Three Categories
100% Organic
Means the food item is made purely and 100% of organic ingredients.
Organic Made
Means the food item is made of at least 95% organic ingredients with the remaining 5% heavily restricted and with no genetically modified organisms.
Made With Organic Ingredients
The food you choose can be made with ingredients containing no lesser than 70% of organic ingredients with the remaining 30% heavily restricted and no genetically modified organisms.
6. USDA Standards
The USDA has set strict regulations when labeling organic foods. An organic food must contain at least 95% of organic ingredients in order for it to be labeled as í˙organic.í˘ Any foods that have less than 70% of organic ingredients can not make any claims on the front of the package that it is organic in any way, but may list the specific organically grown ingredients on the side panel.
Price is the main bargaining issue when considering foods. Eating healthier is sometimes more expensive than the chemically treated foods. Of course, as the organic food industry is steadily rising as the varieties and availabilities are increasing, the prices are becoming more competitive and more appealing. Consider the real importance of staying healthy, it shouldn't have to cost a ton either, find a local grower or a good organic place and they will offer a competitive offer.
About the Author: For more great organic food related articles and resources check out http://nutritioninformer.info
Source: www.isnare.com
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Alternative Remedies for Every Day with Kids - Kit Heathcock
Alternative medicine is becoming more and more popular these days, as informed parents try to minimise their use of antibiotics for treating minor ailments in their children. As a first time parent I had little idea of anything beyond conventional medicine. It was only when my baby developed eczema and then several bouts of tonsillitis that I discovered homeopathy and, through that, tissue salts and herbal remedies. These days with three young children, I keep conventional medicine as a back-up for any serious illnesses and use a range of homeopathic and herbal remedies at home for all the small hurts and minor ailments that inevitably afflict families with children.
The indispensible contents of my First Aid Kit are:
Arnica pills – these homeopathic pills are a brilliant remedy for bumps and bruises. They are soft lactose pills that dissolve easily in even a baby’s mouth. Homeopathic remedies are totally safe for children and this one really works to minimise bruising and soothe tears and shock. Try it on yourself if you haven’t experienced homeopathic medicine before.
N.B. If you are unlucky enough to have a more serious fall or accident, these can be taken to help contain bruising while waiting for medical help. The only time they shouldn’t be used is before an operation – keep them for afterwards to speed healing.
Arnica cream to rub on localised bruises.
Hypericum and Calendula cream for small cuts and grazes. Antiseptic and soothing.
A homeopathic antihistamine complex. My daughter reacts badly to bee stings, her whole foot and ankle swelling up. To help dissuade the body from building up antibodies and thus increasing the allergic response next time, I treat her with homeopathic Apis pills every half hour the first day, reducing to three times a day for the next few weeks. The antihistamine complex contains apis as well as histamine in homeopathic form and helps keep swelling down too.
Tissue Salts are biochemic remedies containing minute quantities of the trace minerals that the body needs for balanced well-being. Also completely safe they dissolve easily under the tongue and kids usually like taking them. The most used one in our family is the Cough and Cold combination. At the first sniffle or cough I give them to my kids three times a day or more often. They have the effect of boosting the immune system, giving the body what it needs to fight off the virus.
Another much used tissue salt here is No.10 Nat Phos. This is an acidity regulator, so helps the digestive system. Its main attraction for mothers is that it has the effect of calming down sugar crazed monsters after birthday parties or other binges, eventually restoring the children you know and love.
Another homeopathic combination that I swear by is Levisticum Radix by Weleda. This is to treat ear infections. More than once I have used it to great effect when one or other recalcitrant toddler has refused antibiotics so vigorously that they were emptied all over us, rather than into her. We put her onto these drops, taken with a little water, which she accepted and when we returned to the GP a couple of days later to check on the infection he was amazed to find it improving substantially already. We continued with the drops for another few days and found we had done without the antibiotics altogether and cured the infection.
One more useful remedy is Euphrasia for sore, itchy eyes or any redness. My son is allergic to horses and gets red, weepy eyes when he has been around them. Bathing his eyes with drops containing Euphrasia or taking the pills both help soothe them.
As a basic guide homeopathic remedies and Tissue Salts should be taken three times a day, unless otherwise directed, in a clean mouth at least twenty minutes away from having had food or drink. They should be tipped into the cap of the bottle and thence into the mouth, without touching them with your hands, as some of the effective part could be lost on your fingers. I find in practise that children often do get their fingers on them and eat before twenty minutes is up and they still have a useful effect but those are the optimum conditions.
Kit Heathcock - worked and travelled in Italy for many years, is passionate about food and loves being a fulltime mother. Co-creator of A Flower Gallery home of original flower pictures, Food and Family and Great Books Reviewed
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kit_Heathcock
Monday, October 16, 2006
Exploring Different Forms Of Alternative Arthritis Medicine - By Owen Andrew
Arthritis as we know it today is a large group of conditions where damage is inflicted on the joints of the body, resulting in swollen, throbbing pain. It is a disease that afflicts all ages, but is predominately present in people over the age of sixty-five. The most common form of arthritis is the degenerative joint disease known as osteoarthritis.
There are many forms of arthritis, and consequently, various types of medical treatment. Each form of arthritis is different, so treatment options vary, and can include traditional medicine, alternative medicine, physical and occupational therapy, and arthroplasty.
While various options for medical treatment abound, arthritis patients may be interested in pursuing relief from aches and pains through alternative medicine in addition to traditional medicine. In this case, the sufferer often turns to alternative sources of medicine for more pain relief than their current treatment is providing. Alternative arthritis medicine runs the gamut of hot pepper-based anti-inflammatory creams to vitamin supplementation and Ayurvedic medicine.
Some of the most frequently used, natural remedies for arthritis are the combined supplements of glucosamine and chondroitin. According to several national and international studies, both supplements taken together effectively relieve major arthritis pain. Calcium is also an essential nutrient, as is vitamin D (available in capsule form or by sunlight).
Other alternative medicines include such anti-inflammatory supplements as alpha-lineolic acid, primrose oil, devil's claw, and capsaicin. These supplements are available in natural food stores and occasionally mainstream markets; some, like the alpha-lineolic acid and primrose oil, are also available more naturally in food, such as soy, avocadoes, beans, fruits, and wheat-germ. Devil's claw is available as a tincture, powder, capsule, or dried herb tea; capsaicin is an anti-inflammatory cream made from hot-peppers.
Ayurveda is another form of alternative medicine that is often cited as an arthritis reliever. Considered the world's oldest form of medicine, it has formed the basis of Indian medical treatments for over 5,000 years.
Ayurveda proposes a well-rounded routine for relieving arthritis pain that includes herbs and essential oils, yoga and a special diet that often includes one or two week detoxification diets. The kind of treatment you receive depends on the type of arthritis you have, which, according to Ayurveda, is divided into three forms: vata, pitta, and kapha. Each treatment varies depending on the corresponding type of arthritis above.
Thus there are many forms of alternative medicine that can supplement your traditional arthritis treatment and help relieve pain, swelling, and discomfort. Always remember to listen to your body and see what works best for you.
About the Author: Owen Andrew Writes this article. There are many online resources where you can find out about arthritis. ArthritisHelpInformation.com will help you find all the information you need.
Source: www.isnare.com
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Home Remedies For Toothache - By: Kevin Pederson
Teeth are an amazing balance of form and function, aesthetic beauty and engineering. Good teeth are an important part of one's health and appearance. Toothache is a very common problem that occurs to anyone without any warning.
Sharp, throbbing, shooting or constant pain is the first sign of upcoming toothache. If not treated at the correct time, it will eventually be extracted.
The main cause is the tooth decay that results from diet comprising of excessive consumption of soft drinks, candy, pastries, refined carbohydrates and sugar in all forms. Bacteria in the mouth break down sugar in acids that combine with calcium in the enamel and also cause decay or erosion.
Proper cleaning of the teeth is essential to prevent tooth decay and consequent toothaches. Brushing in circular motion ensures that all the dental surfaces are cleaned. For gentle stimulation to improve blood circulation in the gums, brush the gums lightly.
Dental decay, destruction of the bone around the teeth and infection of the gums can be prevented with an appropriate diet. Restrict sugar intake, ensure that your diet includes plenty of raw veggies, whole wheat bread and whole foods.
A clove of garlic with a little of rock salt, placed on the affected tooth will relieve the pain. Alternatively you can chew a garlic clove daily in the morning.
Chewing raw onion for approx 3 minutes is sufficient to kill all the germs in the mouth and ensure protection from host of tooth disorders.
Lime prevents decay, loosening of the teeth, dental cavities, toothache and bleeding of the gums
The juice of wheat grass is an excellent mouthwash for dental decay and cures toothache. It draws out toxins from the gums and checks bacterial growth.
Asafoetida grounded in lemon juice cures dental ache. Heat the solution, soak a cotton swab and place it in the cavity of the tooth to relieve pain quickly.
Paste of the bark of bay berry mixed with vinegar applied on the affected area will alleviate the pain and strengthen the gums.
Clove oil applied to the cavity of the decayed tooth provides relief.
A pinch of pepper and tsp of common salt prevents dental cavities, foul breath, bleeding from the gums, painful gums, and toothaches.
A pinch of pepper powder mixed with clove oil can be put on the cavities to alleviate the toothache.
If the pain in the mouth is caused by trapped food, take a mouthful of water and rinse it vigorously. A thorough rinse may dislodge the food particles.
Floss your teeth gently to remove tiny bits of hard food. Be soft on your gums as they are likely to be sore.
Gargle a glassful of water mixed with 1 tsp of salt after each meal and at bedtime.
Put ice cube on the aching tooth or on the nearest cheek for 15-20 minutes at least 3 or 4 times a day.
The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using if you are allergic to something. The responsibility lies with the reader, not the site, and the writer.
Sharon Hopkins manages http://www.home-remedies-for-you.com, providing information on home based natural cures. If you are suffering from an aching tooth, read up on tried and tested home remedies for toothache.
Article Source: Article Hub
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Cupping - An Alternative to Acupuncture - Michael Russell
Cupping has been a part of Chinese medicine for thousands of years and is practiced today by many acupuncturists and herbalists. It is often used as an alternative to acupuncture and can be applied to most of the same acupuncture points and meridians although some points may be too small for cupping. It is used in China today primarily to treat respiratory ailments such as asthma and bronchitis but is also used for arthritis, low back pain, depression, gastrointestinal problems and many types of pain in large soft tissue areas. Sometimes cupping is used after acupuncture to further stimulate the flow of blood and qi to the area.
The general idea is to create a partial vacuum inside a cup, which is then placed on the skin. The suction on the surface of the skin from the cup stimulates blood flow in the area, relieves congestion and inflammation in the muscles and opens up pathways to eliminate toxins. In ancient Chinese practice, the cups were made of bamboo, animal horns or pottery. Today the cups are most often made of thick glass so that the acupuncturist can see the skin under the cup. The most common way of creating a vacuum inside the cup is to burn something inside the cup, often a cotton ball soaked in alcohol or a candle. The burning consumes the oxygen inside the cup, which lowers the density of the air inside thereby creating a partial vacuum. The cup is then quickly turned upside down and the open end is placed on the skin. The partial vacuum holds the cup in place but, if necessary, oil can be placed on the skin before hand so that the cup can be moved around. This method is called gliding cupping and can be used to cover a fairly large area of skin. However, more often many cups are used at once to cover a large area such as the back or abdomen. Cups are usually applied to acupuncture points but can also be used on specific areas of pain. In a normal cupping session, the cups are left in place for 10 to 15 minutes.
Burning something inside the cup, referred to as dry or fire cupping is only one way of creating the suction. A more modern technique is to use a vacuum pump or flexible suction cup attached to the glass cup to draw out the air after the cup has been placed on the skin. This method is called air cupping. In some cases, the skin is pricked with a needle before the cup is applied. This is called wet cupping and is believed to help remove toxins from the body. Usually only a few drops of blood are drawn out by the pressure during wet cupping.
Cupping is considered to be fairly safe but should not be used on rashes or on people who bleed easily or have a high fever. There is no sensation of pain from cupping although you will definitely feel the pulling on your skin. Occasionally a minor skin bruise can be seen after cupping but it usually clears up after a few days. As an alternative to using acupuncture needles, cupping avoids the pain and puncturing of the skin and does not demand an experienced practitioner. There is no danger of needle injury or infection.
Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Acupuncture
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Russell
Friday, October 13, 2006
Natural & Alternative Health Providers - A Case for Licensure - Lisa Barger
It's estimated that fewer than 3% of all licensed physicians practice any form of "alternative" medicine but a full 36% of Americans use some form of complimentary medicine on a regular basis, according to a 2004 study done by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Factor in non-medical treatments like prayer and nutritional therapies like megavitamin therapy, that number rises to 62%. Clearly, Americans are embracing "natural" and alternative medicine in record numbers. But who's providing the services?
The lack of regulation, which varies widely from state to state, makes it impossible to discover how many people are practicing alternative therapies like naturopathy, herbalism and homeopathy on a professional basis. Potentially, there are thousands of minimally-trained practitioners offering medical services to patients who have no idea that their "doctor" is unlicensed and unqualified.
So why is there so much debate about licensing alternative health care providers like naturopaths and herbalists? Opponents of licensing claim that such licensing would deny patients freedom of choice and put self-educated practitioners out of business. But what about the safety of their patients? Licensing will ultimate protect patients from unqualified practitioners. If you're a client of natural or alternative medicine here's what you need to know:
- Licensing will assure that your practitioner has adequate training. The vast majority of herbalists, homeopaths and naturopaths operating in this country are self-taught and have no clinical experience before they're granted their diplomas. Even worse is the fact that many have never even met their instructors or mentors because they "earned" their diplomas through online diploma mills. Licensing alternative practitioners will assure that your provider has hands-on training and hasn't simply taken a 6-week online "course".
- Licensing will ultimately protect you in the case of malpractice. As troubling as it is to think that most practitioners are self-trained, it's perhaps even more worrisome that most don't have any type of malpractice insurance. Unlike mainstream physicians, who typically are well-insured against malpractice claims, unlicensed naturopaths and herbalists usually can't qualify for malpractice coverage, mainly because of their lack of legitimate medical training. In the event of an injury, a patient may have little opportunity to recover monetary damages.
- Licensing would require proof of competency. When you walk into an attorney's office, a car repair shop or a day care, you have at least some assurance that the person you're about to hire has both experience and training. But when you sit down with an alternative health care provider, you've no way of knowing if that person is a legitimate practitioner or the product of a brief internet "class". Licensing natural and alternative providers would require proof of training through an accredited program. Proof of competency won't turn a bad herbalist into a good one but it will prove that he or she at least completed the program.
- Licensure will ultimately protect the practitioner, too. The lack of consistent regulation in many states (and the complete absence of legislation in others) forces many alternative health care providers to work in a legal "gray area". Licensing would clearly define what an alternative provider could and couldn't do, ultimately protecting him from charges of practicing medicine without a license.
Regardless of where you stand of the issue of licensure for natural and alternative health care providers, it's important to remember that, ultimately, it's all about patient safety. Assuring that our clients get quality health care information should be a top priority for anyone working in this field.
Lisa Barger is a traditional naturopath specializing in natural health education. To learn more about Ms. Barger's belief in "Empowerment through Education" or to take a free online natural health class see her website, www.LisaBarger.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lisa_Barger
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Healing of Cancer: Be An Exceptional Patient, Not A Statistic - Chris Teo, Ph.D.
In giving the prognosis, doctors are only relying on statistics. Their words are based on what literature says in terms of average. Statistical averages do not necessarily apply to you, especially if you are a patient with a strong desire to win and help yourself. Statistical average does not take into account exceptional patients. If you give up and have no desire to hang on and seek healing, you become a part of that statistic. So, you have a choice to prove that in your case the statistic is wrong!
Never Give Up!
Over the years I have seen many thousands of cancer patients. Most of them were medically written off cases. Doctors call them terminal patients. I have come to believe that for as long as you are still breathing, know that there is still hope, even if doctors tell you that there is no hope. Hang on and do not give up. A person with no hope cannot live. He withers and dies. Of course, some people want to die and are looking for a ‘better’ way to die. If that is so, we cannot help you. But if you want to live, then I say to you do not give up. In the beginning, I have heard of people accusing me that I am trying to raise ‘false hopes’. Of course, if in trying to give people hope, I suck them dry of their families’ life-savings, I would imagine that it would be a great sin. In a situation where patients have no other avenues and no hope, where is the fault of trying to give people hope. In fact, I am saying to these critics that there is no such thing as false hope, but there is such a thing as FALSE no hope.
In short, what I am saying is that, ‘the no hope’ that you are told can be false. Do not believe it. I say this because my experiences show me that ‘no hope’ or voodoo curses have often been proven wrong. I have written many cases of miraculous healing of cancer in my books, Cancer Success Stories: Book 1 and 2. Let me give you some examples of cancer patients who are supposed to die yet they live!
Gan was diagnosed with liver cancer. There was a big mass in his liver. According to medical literature, those with untreated liver cancers would live an average of six months. In addition to that, I know of patients who died and had gone through much suffering after undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Gan did not go for any medical treatment and yet he remained alive for more than two years. In fact, Gan led a happy life, free of discomforts. Gan did not become a statistic. He lived and he was the exceptional patient that I am talking about.
Goh was a 73-year old man. He had colon cancer that had spread to the liver. He was in the hospital for about two months and the doctors refused to see him while on their ward rounds. His son described him as “thin like a living skeleton”. He could hardly walk. The family brought him home and made him a coat in anticipation of his death. His son told me that the coat was supposed to go “with him into the coffin”. With God’s grace and mercy, Goh did not die as expected. When I met him for the first time in October 2000, he said he was healthier than before he had cancer.
Betsy was a 75-year old lady. She had anaplastic thyroid cancer. The surgeon tried to remove the tumor but had to abort the operation. It was not possible to resect the tumor without killing her. Her son came to seek our help. For many years Betsy lead a life which the doctor said was free of cancer. Routine medical checks do not indicate that the cancer was coming back. She was strong and led a normal happy life. According to medical literature, this type of cancer is very aggressive and at most, patients survive for only six months. I met Betsy in November 2001. She started taking the herbs in August 1999. Again, I wish to say Betsy is not a statistic. The law of average does not apply to her.
Peter had kidney cancer. He was on oral chemo-drugs. His life was miserable. He could not eat nor sleep well. Life was very uncertain indeed. Then one day, he fainted three times. Where do you see hope in this case? Peter came to see us in August 1999. He was elated to see so many friendly and smiling faces at our Centre and these are cancer patients. He did not see cancer in these people’s faces. To Peter that first visit to our centre, was an encouraging beginning. Indeed, it was a great start, for today Peter is free of cancer. I met Peter in July 2000 and again in September 2006. He is doing well!
Be assured that all I have said are true. These people tell their stories which are recorded and are on VCDs. As a reminder, let me say that all healings are not from us. It is only our hands but it is God who heals. So let us give thanks to the Almighty One for such wonderful blessings.
Let me end this discussion by quoting a prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr: “O God, give me the strength to change that which can be changed, the courage to accept that which cannot be changed, and the wisdom to tell which one from the other.”
For more information visit: http://www.BookOnCancer.com, http://www.cacare.com, http://www.CancerCare.com.my
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_Teo,_Ph.D.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Alternative Health Home Remedies - Jonathon Hardcastle
Common sense may tell you that if you have a small medical problem, you should go to the doctor. Few people realize that there are a host of solution to life's little health problems that they can find around their house! In this article, we'll discuss some alternative health methods of solving simple health problems around the house.
- Are you experiencing unexplained back pain? There are some common problems that cause back pain that you may not realize. For example, wearing high-heeled shoes can cause an arching of the back that can cause back pain. A small amount of non-strenuous exercise can help to get your back's muscles back to working order. Try swimming with a low intensity to help ease your back pain. Putting ice on inflamed back muscles may also ease the tension, as well as ensuring that the mattress that you are sleeping on isn't causing unnecessary stiffness.
- The common cold is something that we've all experienced. While there's no cure, there are some home remedies that can help you to ease your suffering. Vitamin C supplements can cause you to get over your cold in less time than normal. Zinc lozenges have also shown to have some efficiency when it comes to getting over a cold. Also, chicken soup can help to ease cold symptoms, and garlic has some antiviral properties that may assist you in getting over the cold.
- Feeling nauseous? Proponents of home remedies recommend that you prepare a tea with ginger in it, or purchase some ginger in capsule format. If you can't find any ginger, ginger ale may act in the same way. Chamomile and peppermint tea have also been said to help to reduce feelings of nausea.
- Sore throats can be a real pain, especially if you have to communicate a lot in the workplace. Garlic is a recommended supplement when it comes to easing a sore throat. Also, you may benefit from drinking a glass of hot water with honey and the juice of one lemon in it. Gargling with warm salt water is another method commonly used to treat a sore throat in the home.
If you're experiencing serious pains, you may want to go to a doctor. However, if you've just got a small problem, you may find that these alternative home solutions may be of merit to solving the issue on your own.
Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including Alternative Health, Fitness, and Science.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jonathon_Hardcastle
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Alternative Treatments for Acne - Lim Zheng Yang
Other than the usual remedies that your dermatologist recommends, there are other acne alternative treatment methods that can aid you in your skin care to fight against acne.
Of course, different treatment, medication / medicine, and products work differently for different individuals. Some solutions work best, while other 'cures' prove ineffective.
Among the various alternatives, here are some that many agree works well to treat the skin problem:
Watch your Diet - While what you eat does not directly affect whether you have acne or not, a healthy diet keeps your whole body system running well, and that in turns prevent skin problems.
In general, eat more fruits and vegetables everyday (preferably 5 servings at least).
Needless to say, avoid fried, oily foods. And yes, drink lots of water.
Try Herbs - Many have found that particular blends of herbs are very useful as an acne alternative treatment and also helps maintain good skin.
Consider blending equal portions of sarsaparilla, yellow dock, burdock, and cleavers and consume it thrice per day, half a teaspoon each time.
Combined with a healthy diet, this blend helps cleanse the blood and lymph, and prevent blemishes from occurring.
Vitamins help too - Vitamin A, B6 and Zinc are the nutritional supplements to consider when you want to prevent pimples outbreaks.
While it is recommended to take about 30mg of Vitamin B6 and Zinc each, always consult your doctor before you consume any supplements.
And there's Massage - A good body and facial massage goes a long way to improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.
The ability for your body to heal from scars improve as well.
That's why it's recommended for people with skin problems.
Whatver calms you down - When your body is relaxed, your overall well-being is enhanced, and this is a good barrier against conditions and diseases.
Things like yoga, regular exercise, soothing breathing exercises etc can be beneficial for your body.
Whichever acne alternative treatment method you choose, understand that all methods take some time to show results.
Don't beat yourself up, and give your body some time to adjust and heal.
Always remember, you are in control, not acne.
Lim Zheng Yang used to suffer from acne and has spent countless hours researching on this skin condition and the best ways to treat it. You can read more about his works at his main site Acne and Wrinkle Treatments Guide and Blog. And for his collection of acne resources, you can visit his sub-site Acne Treatment for All
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lim_Zheng_Yang
Monday, October 09, 2006
Grape Seed Extract: The Most Powerful Antioxidant - Jane Wyvern
The benefits of antioxidants are well known and many people work hard to consume a healthy portion of antioxidants every day, either in the natural form as found in foods, or as supplements. Studies have shown that antioxidants may help to prevent and combat cancer as well as reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. Antioxidants may also increase fat metabolism and play a role in weight loss.
Considering the beneficial properties of antioxidants then, it is natural to wonder what the most powerful antioxidant could be. After all, if you are going to take antioxidant supplements or include foods high in antioxidants in your diet, then you will want to know which the best choice is.
Actually, the most powerful antioxidant is thought to originate from a small source; the grape. Research indicates that the antioxidant in grape seed extract is 50 times as powerful as Vitamin E and 20 times more powerful than the popular antioxidant, Vitamin C. Vitamin E has proven itself as an extremely beneficial antioxidant.
In fact, a recent study concluded that 400 IU of vitamin E per day could reduce heart attacks by as much as 77%. It makes one wonder what the study would fine if the antioxidant being investigated was grape seed extract which is thought to be so much more powerful. In the fight against heart disease, antioxidants platy an important role in strengthening weakened blood vessels thereby preventing and correcting circulatory problems.
Grape seed extract may prove to be very beneficial in the fight against heart disease given these findings. The antioxidant found in grape seed extract assists the body in neutralizing free radicals. This helps to prevent cell damage and supports the body in repairing any damage already inflicted.
The most active and powerful antioxidant found in grape seed extract is oligomeric procyanidins (OPC). This has been identified as the agent which helps to strengthen the blood vessels. OPC was first isolated from the skin of a red peanut in the year 1947 by a chemist in France, Dr. Jack Masquelier who was associated with the school of medicine at the University of Bordeaux.
Later, it was discovered that this powerful substance was also found in red wine and grapes. Eventually, OPC became available as a supplement in grape seed extract form. One can obtain the health benefits from eating grapes, drinking wine, or taking the supplements which are available in tablets or tinctures.
Side effects from grape seed extract are rare and usually a result of reaction to the combining agents or fillers in the product. Therefore it is extremely important to buy standardized herbs at all times. Grape seed extract can be purchased from your health food store or from one of many online stores. Grape seed extract has enjoyed great popularity over the last two decades due to its well deserved reputation as the most powerful antioxidant, so it is produced by several companies and is readily available and affordable.
Jane Wyvern is an established freelance writer. You can find more of her writing at antioxidant-online.com and aromatherapy-planet.com.
Article Source: www.ContentArticles.com
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Natural Cures: Why All They Confusion?
There is a lot of confusion and controversy regarding the topic of natural cures. What are natural cures? Do they really work? Do many people use natural therapies? What‘s the reasoning behind natural medicine? How do I find out which nutrients to take? Why doesn’t my doctor prescribe these nutrients if they are so effective? Why do the labels on vitamins, mineral and herbs say that they are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease? Let’s address each these questions.
What are natural cures?
Terms such as natural cures, natural medicine and naturopathy are very similar and used intermittently. They all refer to a form of health care that uses diet, herbs, vitamins and minerals to prevent or cure bodily diseases. The goal is to strengthen the body’s immune system so that the body can cure itself of an existing disease or prevent other diseases from forming, without the use of synthetic drugs.
Do they really work?
Speaking from personal experience, yes. I have been cured of repeating bouts of sinusitis, my wife has had relief from arthritis and acid reflux and my daughter has had a reduction in pain from a pancreatic condition. However, for someone who has never experienced it, it is hard to believe that something as simple vitamin C can help where medicines have not. No belief is necessary; the proof is in trying it.
Do many people use natural therapies?
Yes, today, many people are choosing to use natural therapies (In varying degrees) over orthodox medical treatment because they are safer, less expensive, and in many instances more effective than drugs.
What‘s the reasoning behind natural medicine?
Most drugs are poisonous to the body. Want proof? Just read the warning labels as to the possible side effects. Some drugs even list “death” as a side effect! I think “death” is more than a side effect. In most cases, drugs only mask the symptoms of a disease and trick our brains that the pain and discomfort has diminished or left. Actually, the disease is still present in the body and will run its course until your body’s immune system (if it’s strong enough) either destroys or eliminates it. Drugs only address the symptoms of a disease not the causes. Natural medicine addresses the causes of a disease. For example, one cause of a migraine headache is a deficiency of magnesium in the body; not a deficiency of aspirin. Taking aspirin will relieve the pain symptom, but not the cause of the pain. Taking a magnesium supplement will eliminate the deficiency which in turn will cure the headache.
How do I find out which nutrients to take?
Most people find out what to take through self-study and research, They’ll read books, websites, magazines etc. pertaining to the subject. Many people also learn by the word of mouth from people who have tried a natural remedy and had great success. You may also seek out a course on natural medicine or a naturopathic doctor (but they may be hard to find).
Why doesn’t my doctor prescribe these nutrients if they are so effective?
There are several reasons for this. The main reason is that he/she probably has not had any training whatsoever in vitamins, minerals and herbs. Most medical doctors (MDs) have been taught from day one that treating the symptoms with drugs is the only reasonable therapy and to be closed-minded to anything else. Pharmacists are taught the same way. Want proof? Just ask your doctor or pharmacist if they took any classes on natural medicines when they were in school. However, a doctor of osteopathy (DO) is a little less closed-minded because they’re trained more in preventative medicine and do have some nutrition knowledge.
Another reason that doctors do not prescribe nutrients is because they are pressured by the pharmaceutical companies and their own peers not to. There exists within the medical community an unwritten rule of consensus medicine, a protocol of not “bucking the system”. Drug companies cannot patent nutrients and control their prices like they can with the chemical drugs they manufacture. Therefore, they pressure medical review boards to pressure their member doctors to follow protocol and prescribe only drug therapies whether they work or not. The doctors that deviate from this protocol may lose their professional standing, be condemned as a quack, lose hospital privileges and possibly be subject to arrest.
Why do nutrients have disclaimer labels?
Why do the labels on vitamins, mineral and herbs say that they are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease?
Again, this is the result from the efforts of the pharmaceutical companies to control the medical marketplace. They lobbied the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to have Congress pass the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, which states that only a drug can legally make a claim to treating, curing or preventing any disease. Therefore, nutritional supplement manufacturers must have that disclaimer label on all their products or risk being shut down by the FDA.
In conclusion, the primary cause of all the confusion concerning natural cures can be traced back to the elites of the drugs industry. These elitists are only concerned about corporate profits and have absolutely no concern for the general public. Many ill people, who may be helped or cured by a natural remedy, will suffer and die because of this greed.
About the Author: Disabled from illness,George Trams self-studied natural cures. He saw a blatant disregard for natural methods. Knowing that all treatment options were not being disclosed, he created the natural cures blog at http://amazingnaturalcures.blogspot.com
Source: www.isnare.com
Saturday, October 07, 2006
5 Natural Common Cold Beaters - by Jacob Mabille
The aptly named common cold hits nearly every one of us on a regular basis and once a single family member has it, it can spread quickly and viciously.
The aptly named common cold hits nearly every one of us on a regular basis and once a single family member has it, it can spread quickly and viciously. While the cold itself is relatively harmless it still presents almost crippling symptoms. The common misconception is that you can fight a cold, essentially getting on with your life and trying to ignore the problem. This is much more likely to prolong the agony as a pose to beating it. In preference to turning to the pharmacist there are natural ways to reduce the recovery time and relieve the nagging symptoms of a cold.
The misconception that exercise will help to sweat out a cold is misleading. The body needs to be able to fight the cold infection and by exercising or being excessively active you are reducing its capability to do this. Resting allows the body to fully combat the cold virus. The immune system and various immune functions within the body are strengthened or generated during sleep. It is these that will help your body beat the cold.
When suffering from a cold the body is susceptible to becoming dehydrated. In order to prevent this it is absolutely essential that sufferers drink plenty of water. The recommended eight glasses of water a day is the absolute minimum that you should be aiming to drink when suffering from a cold. For this reason, water can help to further strengthen the immune system and subsequently beat the infection.
Vitamin C
It may sound something your mom or your grandmother would try to convince you but it is widely believed to be true. However, too much vitamin C can cause diarrhea and possible even kidney stones. Many proponents of vitamin C as a cold remedy would argue that 1,000mg every hour is not damaging and will help to reduce the time a person suffers from a cold. However, it has been medically proven that 250mg has the same positive effects as any larger dose with fewer and less severe side effects. The best way to obtain this level of vitamin C is through fruit juices because this also provides a good source of extra fluid.
Garlic is another age old herbal remedy for colds. It helps to strengthen the immune system and is also a good antiviral. Putting garlic in meals will help to prevent colds and can also reduce the suffering time of patients. The best way to consume the garlic is freshly ground and raw. Many people would find this a struggle, especially because a lot of people eat as many as three or four cloves as soon as they show symptoms of a cold.
Elderberry Extracts
Elderberries may look harmless but to the cold virus they are far from it. It is a powerful antiviral as well as being a highly effective prophylactic. As an antiviral it can help to stave off the actual infection causing the cold, and its prophylactic properties strengthens and rejuvenates the immune system. Elderberry and blueberries are among the best varieties of fruit a cold sufferer can eat for these very reasons.
The Immune System’s Role
You will have probably noticed that almost all of these remedies are strongly based around the strengthening of the immune system. This is because there is essentially no cure for the common cold and we are forced to rely on our bodies to fend off the infection. In order to do this, the immune system needs to be as strong as possible and the stronger it is the less suffering will be required.
This article was written by Jacob Mabille, sponsored by http://www.healthguidance.org. You may republish this article only if you retain resource box and active hyperlinks.
Article Source: http://www.article99.com
Friday, October 06, 2006
The 411 On Natural Baby Colic Remedies - By Jacqueline Courtiol, M.A. Ed.
Any parent whose baby has suffered from colic can tell you that colic is one of the most excruciating experiences ever imaginable. Nothing is worse than seeing one’s baby in pain and not being able to help take it away. Finding relief for colic quickly becomes a top priority. There are many different colic remedies that may come to the rescue for your particular baby. Each baby is unique and may only respond to some or a combination of colic remedies. Unfortunately, parents may have to use the old trial and error method to determine which provide the greatest amount of relief for their little colic sufferer. One thing is certain, the days of waiting it out are long gone for those determined to find an answer. There is no need to suffer needlessly along with baby. If you have tried all proper feeding and burping techniques and baby is still crying, try the following list of the most effective remedies available:
#1 Music / Sound - Traditional lullabies, classical music composed for infants and heartbeat/womb CDs are very popular external remedies that relax many babies suffering from colic. You can find some particularly good ones at the Slumber Sounds web site. Some parents have had great success by placing baby in car seat on top of running dishwasher, washing machine, dryer or near running vacuum cleaner. A gentle shhhhhhhing sound in the ear can work magic, as can soft whispers and humming or singing.
#2 Diet - Bottle fed babies with colic may show improvement if switched to a different formula, such as soy. The mothers of breastfed babies may have to pay close attention to their own diet to make sure that babies are not having negative reactions to certain foods. Try eliminating the following common culprits one at a time for a week to see if there are any signs of improvement for baby: dairy, caffeine, chocolate and gas-producing foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, peppers, melons, tomatoes, citrus fruits, beans and peanuts.
#3 Gripe Water - Be sure to check the ingredients before buying a gripe water. Many claim to be natural but include artificial ingredients and preservatives. Colicky infants’ digestive systems certainly do not need any of these potential irritants. Some gripe waters are not very helpful. There is a new, very effective and safe gripe water on the market, which you can purchase online at http://www.coliccalm.com
#4 Warm Aromatherapy Bath / Massage - Add a few drops of lavender to a warm bath and follow with the soothing touch of massage. Focus massage on the tummy area to relieve painful trapped gas. You can research baby massage techniques on the web or pick up a book on the subject. A good one to try is The Practical Art of Baby Massage by Peter Walker. You can buy lovely lavender, chamomile and fennel massage oils specifically designed for baby massage on the Web. There is also a popular baby massage tool called Snukkles which may work well for you.
#5 Swaddling - Babies are often soothed when swaddled or held close to a parents chest and heartbeat since they are reminiscent of the comfort and safety of the womb. Newborn babies are soothed in nurseries with swaddling. Techniques on folding soft, stretchy blankets are easy to learn. Find instructions and diagrams online or pick up a book / magazine on the topic. A good ready-made wrap to try is SwaddleMe. It is easy to find on the Web.
#6 Motion - Walking, rocking and movement are very comforting to most infants. The good old rocking chair may be all it takes. Some parents have been known to push stroller or drive around in car until baby falls asleep. Try putting baby in an infant chest carrier or sling so that your hands can be free. Walk with baby facing down across arm with hand under abdomen, applying gentle pressure. This position is often referred to as the colic hold. Many babies like to be outdoors. Almost all babies love swings. Try a combination of the above to see what helps soothe baby the best.
About the Author: Jacqueline Courtiol is a veteran teacher and mother who has lived through the trials and tribulations of a colicky infant. She is the developer of Colic Calm Gripe Water. For more information visit http://www.coliccalm.com
Source: www.isnare.com
Thursday, October 05, 2006
How To Naturally Heal With Alexander's Technique - By Eric Cho
“The Alexander Technique is an intelligent way to solve body problems”. Developed by Frederick Matthias Alexander, this hands-on healing method seeks to encourage all body processes to work more efficiently thus reducing stress and physical discomfort.
This may sound ironic, but the Alexander Technique is really not so much about learning as it is about ‘un-learning’. Life as we know it now is mechanical and stressful.
This means that right from our childhood we start accumulating unwanted muscular tension throughout the body. If unreleased, this tension leads to ailments such as back and neck pain, arthritis, sciatica, migraine, hypertension, insomnia and even depression. Obviously, harmful habits are bound to take their toll.
Even though medical science has been progressing faster than a forest fire on a hot afternoon, diseases and ailments have managed to win the race. The reason is quite simple. As stress and tension have increased, humans have adapted by using certain body techniques. We no longer sit, we slump. We no longer stand straight, we slouch or lean. These miniscule changes affect our entire system and trigger diseases. Modern medicine combats the problem by prescribing powerful painkillers that effectively silence the body’s natural warning system. This is no cure; it is just a case of ‘burying one’s head in the sand’.
Most of us are not even aware of the tension piling up within us. The Alexander Technique makes us aware of the balance, co-ordination and posture of the body while performing actions. This consciousness helps us to relieve discomfort and pain, or even avoid them altogether. The technique teaches us new ways of sitting, walking, standing and lying down that puts less strain on our muscles, bones and joints. Thus our body works more efficiently while keeping wear and tear to the barest minimum.
Since our mental state often reflects our physical state, people who practice this technique often describe the effect as ‘walking on air’ - so light and effervescent is the feeling that follows the release of tension. This means there is less mental strain and trauma. As a direct result, your general ability to cope with life increases.
The Alexander Technique takes the student through basic movements that allow you to regain your natural sense of coordination. There are no exercises or psychotherapy in this technique. There are no manual healing techniques either. A skilled teacher guides the student through various movements, observing and working with coordination. The student participates intelligently and slowly there is a gradual change in habits.
The biggest benefit is of course, comfort and ease. Optimum functioning and minimal strain is what the Alexander Technique aims at. Improved posture and alignment, freer and more comfortable movement, increased strength and vitality and healthier breathing are the other benefits.
Patients dealing with chronic pain resulting from injury or excessive stress use this technique to relieve pain. Performing artists use it to enhance their performing techniques, while children use it to increase their learning ability.
Even a perfectly healthy body can benefit by learning this technique. Habitual actions that undermine the natural rhythm of the body slowly destabilize us. Unless we consciously change the habits that we have taught ourselves, there is pain and discomfort at the far end of the tunnel. Through this technique you become aware of the underlying cause and learn to eliminate the tension that causes these ailments. Many of us put pains and aches down to age; Matthias Alexander pointed out that it’s all in the habit.
About the Author: Visit http://www.methodsofhealing.com
Source: www.isnare.com
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux - by PATSY HAMILTON
Because prescription medications can sometimes have unwanted side effects, many people look for natural cures for acid reflux.
In addition, most prescription medications were not designed to be taken for long periods of time, possibly while a person makes dietary and lifestyle changes which can be natural remedies for acid reflux. Herbal remedies for acid reflux are based on what herbalists know of traditional medicine and traditional medicinal plants. Some of these are common food herbs, which pose no danger for long-term use, but their effectiveness as natural cures for acid reflux has not been proven.
If you have been diagnosed with acid reflux, it is important to see your doctor regularly, even if you feel that your symptoms are under control. And you should let your doctor know about any botanical or herbal remedies for acid reflux that you may be using. It is important to see your doctor regularly, because stomach acid can damage the esophagus and lead to more serious conditions including cancer of the esophagus. If you are relying on natural cures for acid reflux and you become hoarse in the morning, develop a cough, or feel a need to clear your throat frequently, these may be symptoms of silent acid reflux. Silent acid reflux is the term used to describe acid reflux that affects the voice box and the vocal cords, but does not cause heartburn symptoms. So even if natural remedies for acid reflux keep your heartburn under control, you should still see your doctor regularly and report new or different symptoms.
Herbal remedies for acid reflux include chamomile, meadowsweet, slippery elm, cancer bush, fennel, catnip, angelica root, gentian root, ginger root and other botanicals, including aloe. Slippery elm was used historically by native peoples to treat stomach upset, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn and other digestive complaints. Fennel and gingerroot were also common “folk remedies” for the relief of indigestion. Modern herbalists have found that a combination of several of the herbs that had been used for indigestion could be effective natural remedies for acid reflux. Some may call them natural “cures” for acid reflux, but long-term relief of acid reflux is best accomplished by changes in lifestyle and eating habits.
For example smoking relaxes the sphincter muscles that normally prevent stomach acid from reaching the esophagus. It also dries out saliva in the mouth and throat, which normally would neutralize some of the stomach acid and begin the digestive process. If you use herbal remedies for acid reflux and you do not stop using tobacco products, then you may still have acid reflux and you are still at risk of developing esophageal cancer. The major risk factors for developing esophageal cancer include acid reflux, smoking and alcoholism.
This brings up another lifestyle change that is recommended for long-term control and relief of acid reflux. Reducing or eliminating alcohol consumption can reduce acid reflux. In particular, alcohol consumption in the evening is believed to lead to more symptoms of night time acid reflux, as well as other health problems. While some argue that a glass of red wine has many health benefits, this is a 4 ounce glass, before a meal, and for those who suffer from acid reflux, even this may be a problem. Alcohol increases stomach acid. Prescription and natural remedies for acid reflux are geared towards reducing or preventing excess stomach acid. It just does not make sense to continue to drink alcohol when you have been diagnosed with acid reflux.
Changing your eating habits may be natural cures for acid reflux. If you normally eat a large meal late in the evening, less than three hours before bedtime, then you are more likely to suffer from nighttime heartburn or other acid reflux symptoms like coughing. This is because acid is traveling up out of the stomach and into the throat. Raising the head of the bed is also considered one of the natural remedies for acid reflux symptoms that occur at night. Gravity helps keep the acid in the stomach, but eating your last meal earlier and making it a smaller meal may prevent nighttime acid reflux.
Finally, weight loss should be mentioned as one of the natural cures for acid reflux. If you are currently at your ideal weight then you may not need to read this section. Overweight and obese people are much more likely to suffer from acid reflux, including nighttime acid reflux. Trying herbal remedies for acid reflux control and making no effort to lose the extra pounds will undoubtedly be disappointing. Using prescription and/or natural remedies for acid reflux while you are trying to lose weight makes sense. Avoiding fried and fatty foods is often recommended for people who suffer acid reflux. If you avoid these and eat several small meals during the day then you may naturally lose weight and naturally cure acid reflux. Eating several small meals every couple of hours is often recommended by diet doctors, because it increases your metabolism and keeps blood sugar levels stable, so you don’t feel sleepy after a meal, don’t feel a need to lie down and stomach acid is less likely to travel back up into the esophagus.
These are only some of the possible natural cures for acid reflux. Your doctor, naturopath or herbalist may have more suggestions. For more information about acid reflux and other digestive problems, visit www.digestive-disorders-guide.com.
Patsy Hamilton has more than twenty years experience as a healthcare professional and currently writes informational articles for the Digestive Disorders Guide. Read more at http://www.digestive-disorders-guide.com.
Article source: www.amazines.com
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Naturopathy Degrees - Michael Bustamante
If you've ever pondered the thought of attaining one of several Naturopathy Degrees offered by naturopathic colleges and other healing arts schools, you'd be surprised to know how expansive the curriculum can be. Naturopathy Degrees can only be earned once students have completed an extensive four-year course in a broad assortment of studies. Coursework may include in-depth lessons in medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, pathology, health and wellness, geriatric health care, pharmacology and pathology, nutrition, herbology, naturopathy, homeopathy, and principle business ethics and practices.
Students wishing to earn their Naturopathy Degrees should be aware that in order to earn Naturopathy Degrees, applicants may need to meet certain prerequisites (as set by individual schools), such as a Bachelor's degree or medically-related course.
Naturopathy Degrees may be gained by entrants who are willing to put a great deal of dedication into their health studies and clinical participation. Students who diligently work toward Naturopathy Degrees can expect to graduate successfully from one of several naturopathic schools and earn the title of Doctor of Naturopathy. However, it is important to review state requirements, as many Naturopathy Degrees must be accompanied by state licensure to become a practicing naturopathic doctor.
While some naturopathic colleges offer certification and diploma programs for students seeking brief overviews of herbology and mind-body-spirit medicine, many emphasize programs offering Naturopathy Degrees as the final outcome of pupil studies. Once Naturopathy Degrees have been awarded to winning candidates, graduates can apply for certification through the American Naturopathic Certification Board (ANCB). In this instance, necessary credentials for taking the ANCB examination include successful completion of a master's degree in nutritional wellness, or (preferably) traditional Naturopathy Degrees. Remember, too, that certification does not take the place of professional licensure.
In addition, once students have earned their Naturopathy Degrees and have met all qualifications to become a practicing ND, it is crucial to maintain their knowledge and skills in the areas of health and wellness. Aside from Naturopathy Degrees, other coursework may be offered in the form of continuing education, online learning and distance learning.
Traditional practitioners, too, may wish to seek Naturopathy Degrees to expand patient services and to include natural and noninvasive treatments and therapies. With the rate of acceptance growing for natural and alternative medicines in the world community today, attainment of Naturopathy Degrees can undoubtedly add to personal and professional livelihood.
To learn more about Naturopathy Degrees and additional learning programs, search our site for more in-depth information and resources.
DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on SchoolsGalore.com.
Copyright 2006 - All Rights Reserved
Michael Bustamante, in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc. for SchoolsGalore.com
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Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with SchoolsGalore.com. Find Natural Healing Schools, Colleges, Universities, Vocational Schools and Natural Healing Online Schools at SchoolsGalore.com; your educational resource to locate schools.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Bustamante